Hybrid Track – June 19 -22, 2023

As part of 40th IASD Annual International Conference, IASD is offering a Hybrid track, open to virtual as well as onsite attendees. The Hybrid track will run during the four main days of the Conference and will include selected lecture based sessions (see below) including the keynote address by Mark Blagrove PhD and the invited address by Jayne Gackenbach PhD.

If you cannot join us in person in Ashland, the Hybrid conference track is for you!


Registration for the Hybrid Track for virtual attendees includes access to Zoom recordings (video and audio) of the Hybrid track sessions. Note that the Hybrid Track and recordings is included for onsite conference registrants as part of the overall 5-day onsite conference fee. To register click here

Hybrid Track Fees for Virtual Attendees:

  • Virtual presenter $200
  • Virtual attendee $250
  • Student $100

Session Access:

The Zoom Meeting link will be sent to your e-mail address prior to the beginning of the event. Check your e-mail! Log in few minutes before the start of the sessions. Annual conference onsite attendees can also attend the sessions in room Aquarius.

Hybrid Track Program Schedule:

The schedule for the track is listed below. To view the Hybrid track with respect to the overall program schedule go here: Conference Program

Monday, June 19th

10:30 – 12:30

Research symposium: PTSD Nightmares and Psychotherapeutic Mechanisms
• Greg Mahr – Nightmares, Acute Trauma, and Suicidality
• Sophie Boudrias – The Role of Emotion to Update Emotional Memory through Reconsolidation in Dream-Based Psychotherapy
• Katja Valli – Effect of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on Dreaming
• Fiona Henrich – Understanding Dreams after Post-Traumatic Stress- Development of a Model of Adaptive Dreaming

12:30 – 2:00 Break

2:00 – 4:00

Research symposium: Methodological Approaches to Studying Dreams
• Kelly Bulkeley: An Introduction to the Sleep and Dream Database
• Katja Valli: DREAM: A Dream EEG and Mentation Database
• Michael Schredl: Methodological Challenges in Studying Possible Dream Functions
• Ava Lindberg: Dreaming and Gamification: Enhancing Dreamwork through the Dream Game

Tuesday, June 20th

11:30 – 1:00

Clinical Special Event: Understanding and Exploring Children’s Nightmares
• Alan Siegel

1:00 – 2:30 Break

2:30 – 3:30

Invited address: Dream Meaning Through Art Making: The Personal Journey of a Dream Researcher
• Jayne Gackenbach

Wednesday, June 21st

9:15 – 10:15

Special event: Impact of Dream Loss on Collective Unconscious
• Rubin Naiman

10:30 – 12:30

Research symposium: Psychological Benefits of Lucid Dreaming
• Clarita Bonamino: Lucid Dreaming Experiences in Adolescents and Their Impact on Waking Life
• Virginia Bennett: Psychological Resistance to Lucid Dreaming and How to Overcome It
• Karen Konkoly: Experimentally Inducing Dream Content During REM Sleep to Promote Creative Problem-Solving
• Remington Mallett: Viewing Lucid Dreaming Therapy Under the Lens of Emotion Regulation

12:30 – 2:00 Break

2:00 – 4:00

Theory symposium: How Dreams are Formed, Inside and Out
• David Kahn: Theory of Dream Formation and Function
• James F. Pagel: The Paradox of REMS Dreaming
• Emma Peters: Embodied Dreaming: Dream Incorporation Using Three Different Bodily Stimulation Methods
• Melanie Rosen: Me and My Dream Body

Thursday, June 22nd

11:30 – 1:00

Research symposium: Contemplative Perspectives on Dreaming Across Cultures
• Gabriela Torres Platas: Neural Correlates of Dream Yoga and its Effects on Cognitive Interference, and Mind Wandering
• Michelle Carr: Effects of Focusing- and Compassion-Based Dreamwork on Nightmare Sufferers and Control Subjects
• Michael Schredl: Dreaming of God and The Role of Faith in Everyday Life: An Empirical Study

1:00 – 2:30 Break

2:30 – 3:30

Education symposium: Dreams, Creativity, and Art
• Deirdre Barrett: Creative Projects in a Freshman Dream Seminar
• Jayne Gackenbach w/co-presenter Robin Adair: Dream Meaning Through Art Making: A Continuing Education Course

3:30 – 4:15 Break

4:15 – 5:30

Invited keynote: The Science and Art of Dreaming and Dream-Sharing
• Mark Blagrove

Additional Hybrid Track Presentation Details:

Schedule at a Glance and Presentation Summaries
• Abstracts (to be posted)
• Presenter Bios (to be posted)