2014 Continuing Education


Introduction to the Continuing Education (CE) program at the 2014 IASD conference: You can receive up to 27 credits for attending specially designated presentations at the 2014 IASD Conference. Only sessions marked “CE” are eligible for IASD Continuing Education Credits in the conference program. IASD is the provider of CE Credits. IASD is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. IASD maintains responsibility for the program and its content. IASD is also an approved CE provider for the California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners (BBSE Provider PCE 2043). The title of this year’s CE program is: Dreams, Nightmares, Trauma and Healing: Clinical, Research, and Cultural Perspectives. Which Sessions Qualify for CE? Only sessions marked in the program booklet with the letters “CE” qualify for IASD CE credits. All conference participants may attend any event marked “CE” but only those who pay in advance and follow all procedures outlined below will receive CE credits. Additional information and instructions about the IASD 2014 Conference CE program is provided below along with links to important information about the 2014 IASD Conference Program. https://asdreams.org/2014/# This link provides the

  1. Schedule at a Glance (marked with CE designated events)
  2. Keynote speakers.
  3. Abstracts of presentations.
  4. Presenter biographical information.
  5. Thematic listing of presenters and presentations by conference track.

In addition, just below, we have additional information about the 2014 CE program including information about CE certificates, and the IASD DIVERSITY, DISABILITY, FEEDBACK, AND GRIEVANCE POLICIES. Finally, we have provided a variety of links to key CE-related documents for viewing. Please note that information from the first 4 links (with asterisks) are cut and pasted below:



Information provided below: A) CE CREDITS AND CERTIFICATES: B) IASD CE DIVERSITY, DISABILITY, FEEDBACK, GRIEVANCE POLICIES: C) CE SELECTION CRITERIA-2014: D) CE CREDIT LOG PART 1: INSTRUCTIONS: GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CE CERTIFICATES: Certificates are issued at the conference for successful completion of CE credits. The certificate provides a permanent record of training that may be applicable for meeting professional license renewal requirements or professional society requirements for CE credits. They may also apply for insurance panel documentation of CE, for hospital staff status, or independent study credit at educational institutions. Keep in mind that each state or province and each profession’s licensing board, professional societies or educational institution or training program may have different requirements. IASD cannot guarantee that any particular regional license board or educational institution or professional society will accept the CE units obtained at this conference. CE credit is not synonymous with any kind of academic credit. IASD maintains records of CE credits earned. IASD will issue the certificate at the conference in person to the attendee and will not mail a certificate. There is an additional $30.00 handling fee imposed by IASD if a replacement certificate is requested. Suggestions or comments about these programs or the IASD CE credit program may be directed to: office@asdreams.org IASD CE DIVERSITY, DISABILITY, FEEDBACK, AND GRIEVANCE POLICIES DIVERSITY ISSUES: IASD promotes diversity in its course offerings and faculty and staff selection. IASD’s policies attempt to show respect and sensitivity to people with diverse abilities, languages, cultures, ethnic groups, genders, sexual orientation, age, national origin, religion, socioeconomic status and spiritual perspectives as well as disability and accessibility. DISABILITY ISSUES: In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, IASD selects conference sites that state that they are compliant with ADA standards. Beyond this we intend, and attempt to the degree practical, to provide accessibility for individuals who have notified us that they require assistance with various disabilities. For conferences, notify us on the registration form if you have disability or accessibility needs so that we may work with you on what we are able to provide. If a conference-based presentation is not accessible, go to the conference registration table to ask the disability coordinator to assist you with your concerns. You may send any general concerns or suggestions for improvement to IASD administrator, Richard Wilkerson at office@asdreams.org. WE WELCOME YOUR FEEDBACK: The IASD Continuing Education Program welcomes your feedback so we may improve our program content and delivery. Please let us know how we are doing and tell us what you found valuable about our courses in the course evaluation form. If you have additional comments, concerns or complaints, please contact Richard Wilkerson, IASD Central Office Administrator: office@asdreams.org. IASD CE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE-2014-2015 IASD is committed to conducting all activities to conform with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and the IASD Ethics Statement. IASD will conduct all activities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants. Monitoring and assessment of compliance with these standards will be the responsibility of the Education Chair in consultation with the members of the Continuing Education committee, the IASD Ethics Chairperson and the Conference Chairperson. While IASD attempts to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, situations may arise that require intervention and/or action by the convention staff or an officer of IASD. When a participant, files an oral or written grievance, or expects action on such complaint, the following actions will be taken: 1. For online or conference-based courses, contact IASD Administrator: Richard Wilkerson at office@asdreams.org who will direct your comment or concern to a Continuing Education Member or Board Member as appropriate. 2. For online or conference-based courses, if the grievance concerns a speaker, presentation content, or style of presentation, the individual filing the grievance will be asked to submit comments in writing. The CE Chair holds the individual’s identity in confidence and will forward the comments to the presenter. 3. For conference-based presentations and workshops: a) if the grievance concerns an ethics concern the participant can ask to speak with the Ethics Chair, or if not found the IASD President or Chair of the Board (who will follow our ethics policy and practice in handling the concern, within the Ethics Committee); b) if the grievance is not of an ethical nature but concerns presentation content, the facilities or location then the convention chair will attempt to mediate a reasonable and appropriate solution and be the final arbitrator; c) if the grievance states specific concerns about an IASD CE program, the CE Chair will attempt to arbitrate. All grievances may and should also be reported by including it in the on-line Conference Evaluation form. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE JUNE 4-8 CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM: For reference, these are the instructions for the IASD CE Credit Log that is provided to CE registrants who attend the conference and participate in the CE program. We will help you with the forms and the bureaucracy of this but please follow these instructions and fill out all forms and come to registration to get your credit BEFORE leaving. Thanks! –NOT ALL CONFERENCE EVENTS OFFER CE CREDITS—THEY MUST BE MARKED IN THE PROGRAM WITH THE LETTERS CE TO COUNT FOR CE CREDIT. Brief Instructions to Obtain CE Credits at the 2014 IASD Conference:

  1. Register for CE and pay the $30 USD CE fee in advance when you register online or at the Registration and Information table. You will be issued a CE packet AFTER you pay.
  3. PRINT your name and email legibly above on the front of this CE packet.
  5. Sign in at the beginning of every CE event and before you leave the event, get the CE Credit Log initialed by a monitor.
  6. Fill out a CE Evaluation Form for each event each individual presentation you attend—there are many blank ones in this packet and please remember to use the presenter’s name and the number that is in the program booklet; HELPFUL HINT: It is SO much easier to fill out the CE forms while you are at each event. It is more of a rush and harder to remember at the end of the conference.
  7. Prior to leaving the conference, you must complete all required evaluation forms and turn in your CE packet at registration to receive credit and a certificate. Don’t drop off the packet!
  8. It is essential that an IASD monitor tallies your credits and issues you a certificate before you leave the conference. Certificates can only be issued in person at the conference and will not be mailed.
  9. You will expedite the check-out process if you make sure all CE forms are completed prior to check-out. This includes:
    1. CE Credit Log indicating each event you attended.
    2. CE Evaluation form for every single CE-designated event you attended,
    3. Answers to the three evaluation questions for each CE event you attended, and
  10. 10) 2 Certificates of completion: You get one at the end of the conference. One is maintained by IASD. You will be issued a certificate when you check out.
  11. You must check out in person! Please do not leave the conference without a monitor issuing you a CE certificate. You may not receive any credit and IASD charges a $30 USD fee to send copies of the certificate.

Selection Criteria for IASD Dream Studies Continuing Education (CE) Credits 2014-2015 In order to qualify as part of the IASD Continuing Education Program, a proposal for the IASD International Conference or regional meeting and must pass through 2 separate reviews. A) First the proposal must be accepted as part of the annual international conference program or regional meeting or conference based on the general criteria outlined in the Conference Call for Submissions. B) Second, proposals will be screened to determine if they qualify for inclusion in the IASD Conference CE program. Proposals that are not selected for CE status will not lose their acceptance to the conference if already accepted. If a proposal is not selected for the CE track, it does not imply a criticism of the proposal and is not intended to be a comment on the relevance or eligibility of the proposal for the annual conference or for the regional meeting. The following criteria will be utilized to select proposals for the CE Program. SELECTION CRITERIA FOR CE DESIGNATION IN CONFERENCE OR REGIONAL PROGRAMS 1) POST-GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL LEVEL OF CONTENT: Proposals selected for the CE track of the conference program or for a regional meeting must be at a postgraduate level of content and instruction and must have direct relevance to the continuing professional education of psychologists, mental health or health care professionals. The proposal must address clinical, theoretical, or academic topics such as: clinical use of dreams in psychotherapy, the biology of dreaming, research on the meaning of dreams, cross-cultural issues in working with dreams, content analysis of dreams, comparative theories of dream function or interpretation, comparative analyses of theories of dreams, etc. 2) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS FOR INSTRUCTORS/PRESENTERS: Instructors must be licensed psychologists or licensed mental health professionals with a minimum of three years of postgraduate professional experience and/or must have distinguished academic or professional credentials in the field of Dream Studies such as having three or more relevant publications in recognized journals or books, or have published a book in Dream Studies which has contributed in important ways to the field, or must demonstrate professional expertise in Dream Studies or a closely related field by their teaching, publications, or significant professional activities. Prior experience teaching at the graduate school or postgraduate continuing education level is required and instructors must have a minimum of three years experience teaching in an accredited university or recognized professional training institute or through a regionally or nationally accredited continuing education provider. Instructors must be in good standing with their profession and must provide references that can vouch for the presenter’s professional or teaching experience. Instructors must have positive evaluations from prior IASD conference if they have taught for IASD in the past. 3) APPROVAL BY THREE REVIEWERS BASED ON THE ABOVE CRITERIA: Proposals must be favorably reviewed by three reviewers who serve on the IASD CE committee or are designated to review proposals by the CE chair or CE administrator or IASD; 4) PERSONAL GROWTH WORKSHOPS OR PROPOSALS BASED PRIMARILY ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCES WILL NOT BE INCLUDED AS CE ELIGIBLE: If the workshop or presentation focuses primarily on personal growth or is based principally on the personal experience of the presenter, the proposal will not be eligible for CE designation. All approved programs must focus predominantly on professional training and experiential exercises should be less than 50% of the proposed presentation and should focus on amplifying the learning objectives in the presentation through discussion, dialogue or short experiential exercises. All experiential exercises should be specified in the proposal abstract; 5) PROPOSAL TITLE, DESCRIPTION AND ABSTRACT MUST BE CLEAR, WELL-ORGANIZED, CONSISTENT, AND AT A POSTGRADUATE LEVEL OF INSTRUCTION: The title should accurately reflect the content of the proposal and be consistent with the description and abstract. 6) PROPOSAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND EVALUATION QUESTIONS MUST BE CLEARLY WORDED AND CONSISTENT WITH THE TITLE, DESCRIPTION AND ABSTRACT: Learning objectives should focus on crucial aspects of the content to be taught to alert attendees what to expect and to serve as a marker for participants to evaluate the presentation at its conclusion. 7) LEARNING OBJECTIVES MUST BE ACTIVELY WORDED AND CLEARLY DEFINE THE INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS OF THE PRESENTATION: The guidelines for wording learning objectives and evaluation questions are posted on the IASD web site and are designed to conform to APA CE Sponsor Standards. The three (3) learning objectives are to be observable and measurable learning outcomes that clearly describe what the learner will know or be able to do as a result of having attended your presentation. The learning objectives MUST: a) match the content of your proposal as described in your title, summary, and abstract, and b) use active verbs that indicate what will be taught, demonstrated, or experienced. Learning objectives should be written with the following verbs: Identify, summarize, list, describe, differentiate, discuss, compute, predict, explain, demonstrate, utilize, analyze, design, select, create, plan, assess, compare, critique, write, apply, demonstrate, prepare, use, compile, and revise. 8) EVALUATION QUESTIONS MUST MATCH THE CONTENT OF THE PRESENTATION AND SHOULD BE GEARED TO ANSWER SOME SPECIFIC ASPECT OF THE LEARNING OBJECTIVE. The evaluation questions should be a mixture of multiple choice questions and no more than 33% true-false questions. 9) PRESENTER’S VITA MUST SHOW EXPERTISE ON THE TOPIC BEING PROPOSED: Proposed topics must match experience, background and publications noted on the instructor’s vita. 10) Instructors must agree to abide by both the APA Ethics Code and the ethics statement of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. IASD is the provider of CE Credits. IASD is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. IASD maintains responsibility for this program and its contents. IASD is also a CE Provider for the (BBSE) California Board of Behavioral Science Examiners (PCE 2043) Questions or comments about the CE program can be directed to Alan Siegel, PhD, dreamsdr@aol.com who is the IASD Education Committee Chairperson and CE Administrator. In addition, queries can be made to office@asdreams.org