IASD’s PsiberDreaming Conference Enters its Eleventh Year
FREE PsiberDreaming Conference Registration for New IASD Members
Join Host Jean Campbell this year in the Eleventh Dimension, as IASD’s popular PsiberDreaming Conference enters its eleventh year online dreaming from Sunday, September 23 through Sunday, October 7, 2012. Yes, it’s online all the time for two weeks. Dream Telepathy, precognitive dreams, lucid dreaming, creative works developed from dreams…all aspects of psi dreaming are up for discussion.
As always, we recommend that you encourage your friends who are not yet IASD members to join now–and receive the full two-week conference as a free introduction to the global dream community.This year, we invited only those dream experts who have presented in PsiberDreaming’s past ten years. We asked this group to respond to two questions: What has changed over the past ten years in your area of dream work or research, and how has this affected your work? As past IASD-President Jayne Gackenbach, PhD responded, “My field of research did not exist ten years ago!”
Of course, the Eleventh Dimension includes far more than presentations and workshops. A trio of dream contests (with prizes) will be hosted by Ed Kellogg, PhD. Mary Pat Lynch, PhD and Diana Thompson will again oversee the PsiberDreaming Art Gallery; and Dolores Nurss and Curtiss Hoffman, PhD will host the entertainment at the Outer Inn. Conversations, chats, comments and discussion from an international community of participants fill out the enjoyable time of the PsiberDreaming Conference. (Some people schedule vacations!)
List of Presenters:
Kelly Bulkeley
Blind Analysis of a Dream Series: An Online Experiment
A few days before the conference I will post results from a word search analysis of a dream series from an anonymous individual or group. I will share this data and invite conference participants to make “blind” predictions about the waking life interests and concerns of the dreamer(s), knowing nothing about them beyond the word usage frequencies in their dreams. During the conference I will actively engage with PDC participants, asking them to articulate the reasons behind their predictions. The goal is to draw upon the “wisdom of crowds,” specifically this amazing crowd of dream experts at the PDC, and see what interpretive principles and hypotheses are generated by the online discussion. At the end of the conference I will share details about the dreamer(s) so we can evaluate the various predictions made by participants. I will then offer closing thoughts about the limits and future potentials of this new tool of dream analysis.
Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., is a Visiting Scholar at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. A former President of the IASD and a Senior Editor of the journal Dreaming, he has written and edited several books on dream research. His recent works include Dreaming in the World’s Religions: A Comparative History (New York University Press, 2008), Dreaming in the Classroom: Practices, Methods, and Resources in Dream Education (co-authored with Philip King and Bernard Welt) (SUNY Press, 2011), and Children’s Dreams: Understanding the Most Memorable Dreams and Nightmares of Childhood (co-authored with Patricia Bulkley)(Rowman & Littlefield, 2012) He is the director of the Sleep and Dream Database (SDDb), a digital archive and search engine designed to facilitate empirical dream research.
Jean Campbell
More About Group Dreaming
When plans began for the first IASD PsiberDreaming Online Conference, I was facilitator of the organization’s online discussion board. What we called “The Boarding House” was the home of a formed-with-the-Internet dreaming community. Many of these same dreamers have been part of the PsiberDreaming Conference since its inception. They have also been part of another group which grew from the events of 2001, the World Dreams Peace Bridge. This group might be called the guardians of the group dream, in the sense that they have often intentionally dreamed together, listened to one another’s dreams, and acted on the dreams in practical ways. The result of this pragmatic approach to shared dreaming can now be seen in many places, including within this conference.
Jean Campbell has been studying shared and mutual dreams in the group setting since 1973. In her book Group Dreaming: Dreams to the Tenth Power (Wordminder, 2006), she discusses her early experiments with selected groups of ten people as well as dreams shared on The World Dreams Peace Bridge, which she initiated in 2001. She is host of the IASD’s annual PsiberDreaming Conference and an IASD Board member.
Laurel Clark
The Changing Face of Movies and TV … and the Questions People Ask
Dreams play significant roles in movies and television. Plots have evolved beyond the convenient (and dull) ending where a protagonist wakes up to discover the entire story was “just a dream” to raising questions about reality. Movies like What Dreams May Come, A Waking Life and Inception, TV shows like Awake and House ask us to consider, “Is the dream world the same place people go when they die? Does life create our dreams … or do dreams create our life? Could I be dreaming?”
People who have had visitation dreams, mutual dreams, or precognitive dreams find the courage to talk about these happenings when a movie or TV show opens the door for public discussion about the inner world of dreams and “the other side.”
Laurel Clark is the president of the School of Metaphysics, a teacher, author, intuitive counselor, and interfaith minister. Her recent book Intuitive Dreaming features some of her own precognitive and visitation dreams. She welcomes your discussion on the movies and TV shows that have drawn dreamers’ questions into your world.
Barbara Condron & Mark Richardson
The “Crystal Clear Tornado” Dreamer Faces His Own Death, and Yours©
In June 2011, Mark Richardson woke with the feeling that “I’m dead. I just died in the matrix. So, I must be dead.” What he called a “random email” arrived in his inbox that morning, so he sent the dream and his commentary to dreamschool.org, a
School of Metaphysics website devoted to dream study. That’s when grad students brought his “Crystal Clear Tornado” dream to Dr. Barbara O’Guinn Condron’s attention. Six months passed before she sent the reply to him which would open the door to fresh insights into centuries-old teachings on the bardo, that lucid intermediary state between death and life, sleeping and waking.
Later, in his characteristic Mark would quip, “Good thing it wasn’t a suicide line, or I probably would be dead!” Live, he has, and his epic dream, her feedback, and his one-year-later update, invite you into the world of dreamer and dreamworker as they navigate the waters of life, death, and the resurrection of consciousness.
Barbara Condron began studying dreams in the 1960s, teaching in ’70s, researching in ’80s, organizing data in ’90s. Since 1997, she has been researching global trends at www.dreamschool.org, a site she founded to foster a global culture that values dreaming. She pioneers the Mind Linguistics program at the College of Metaphysics in the U.S.A. An author of over a dozen books, her latest is The Taraka Yoga of Kuan Yin featuring translations of 100 classic verses in the Universal Language of Mind©, the same symbolic language used in interpreting Mark’s dream. That title is available at www.kuanyinonlin.info.
Mark Richardson USA was a policeman in his twenties, a teacher in his thirties, a business owner in his forties, and a writer in his fifties. He suspects there is only one dream. Sometimes we’re lucid in the dream and sometimes we’re sleeping through it . He also concedes he’s probably most asleep when he believes himself most awake. He agrees with Lorca that “the Iguana will bite those who do not dream.” While Mark is not completely sure what Lorca means, it sounds really cool to Mark and makes him feel safe from Iguanas precisely because he dreams almost every night. Mark maintains that his own dreams have been some of the greatest experiences of his life.
Beverly D’Urso
Emotions, Intentions, and Implications of Knowing I Dream in the Moment
In this workshop, you will come up with your own emotions, intentions, and implications of knowing that you dream in the moment. You can become lucid if you fully experience your difficult emotions, especially the strong ones that occur often. Remaining conscious of your heart-felt intentions in the moment will help them come true through the power of your expanded self. Finally, understanding the implications of knowing you dream in the moment, such as knowing that you exist as more than just your body, can assist you in better understanding how you define yourself, your potential, and your world.
Beverly (Kedzierski Heart) D’Urso, PhD (USA), a lucid dreamer all her life, did pioneering research at Stanford and has presented at conferences for decades. She follows the Diamond Approach spiritual path as a member of the Ridhwan School and Seminary. Dr. D’Urso has over seventy publications available on her websites, including: http://wedreamnow.info
Joy Fatooh
I’ll Meet You At The Gate
Ever get the feeling that a dream doesn’t belong to you, but needs to be turned over to a community? That’s what happens to the mysterious little dream that begins this story, a deeply moving fragment of song. Dreams, music, history, creativity and synchronicity converge, merge and diverge, catching the light and leaving something new in their wake: a song, a magical story, a glimpse of our essential unity. We’ve called it a “group dream” although it goes beyond dreams. Gloria Sturzenacker might call it “extended coherence.” What would you call it? And will you turn out to be a part of it too?
Joy Fatooh is a lifelong psi and lucid dreamer who has presented at several PsiberDreaming and regional IASD conferences. It was a mutual dream at age 11 that set her to wondering if dreams have a way of somehow transcending our separateness.
Jayne Gackenbach
Non-gaming Virtual Immersion and Dreaming
Following a discussion of how dreams are being studied online this essay reports on a study examining the dreams of individuals who spent a lot of time online but NOT playing video games. Students at a western Canadian university indicated if they had played computer games or used the computer for non-gaming purposes during the day prior to a recent dream they reported. They then indicated their confidence about the type of dream they reported and their emotions about the dream. There was some indication that the high end non-gaming computer use group had more lucid (females only) and control dreams but less bizarre dreams. This was discussed in terms of previous video game play and dreams research.
Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D., is one of the many past presidents of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. Gackenbach originally studied lucid dreams and about a decade ago began examining the dreams of video game players. Her classic book, “Control Your Dreams”, has recently been reissued as an ebook with additional material. She also has two new books out on video games. “Play Reality” is a book she cowrote with her gamer son which reviews the research on gaming effects, including dreams, from a gamers perspective. Her second recent book has just been released and is an edited book examining gaming and consciousness, “Video Game Play and Consciousness”.
Janet Garrett
A Qualitative Future for (Psiber)Dream Research?
Qualitative research methods seem to be rarely used in dream research, although they are becoming established alternatives to quantitative methods in fields such as the social sciences and psychology. Such methods can be as rigorous as quantitative methods, and, since they are usually used to analyze data in the form of naturalistic verbal reports, seem to be ideally suited for studying dreams and their effect on the dreamer. Formal qualitative analysis may be particularly valuable for research involving psi aspects of dreaming.
This paper will focus on two specific qualitative methods – grounded theory and Giorgi’s descriptive phenomenological method – both of which have been used in recent dream research.
Janet Garrett has been interested in all aspects of dreams and dreaming for more that 20 years. She attended her first PsiberDreaming Conference in 2004, and has worked backstage at the PDC since 2008. Janet is also part of the team that produces IASD’s Dream News. In 2011 she received an MSc in Consciousness & Transpersonal Psychology from Liverpool John Moores University; during this course she used qualitative research methods for two projects, including her master’s thesis. Janet lives in Spain, where she leads study groups on dreams and psychology for other English-speaking expats.
Dale Graff
When Fields Expand
I review the findings of the Princeton, NJ based Global Conscious Project (GCP) that examines the effects of intentions or emotions on the output of quantum physics components in Random Event Generators (REGs). Other topics include: (1) Independent research with REGs at haunted house locations, with healers and in other environments; (2) the consciousness field concept link with precognitive dreams as informational time travel and holographic resonance, and (3) the 11th dimension theme link with precognitive dreams 11 years ago prior to 9/11. I suggest that events and discoveries over the past 10 years have expanded our “field” concepts of reality and dreamtime connections.
Dale E. Graff, B.S., M.S., (USA) is an internationally recognized lecturer, writer and researcher in psi topics. He is a former director of project Stargate, the government program for research and applications of remote viewing. His books, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness and RIVER DREAMS discuss remote viewing, psi dreaming/precognition and synchronicities. www.dalegraff.com
Lou Hagood
Lucid Therapy
For some years I have practiced dream incubation and lucid dreaming, but kept the practice separate from my psychotherapy work, until a client who had spoken of becoming conscious in his dreams shared dreams of his recently deceased mother knocking on the door of his house. Earlier he had told me that there were things that he wished he had told his mother before she died, so I suggested that he open the door to his mother in his dreams and tell her. There followed a series of dream encounters, concluding with a lucid dream in which my client invited his mother to a family party in his dreams.
Lou Hagood, Ph.D. is a licensed psychoanalyst working with dreams one-on-one and in dream sharing groups for fifteen years. He trained at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysts in New York.
Lou has led dreamsharing groups at the annual IASD conference and at the Institute for Noetic Sciences in New York, as well as presenting at several IASD conferences.
Tony Hawkins
In the Infinite Field of Dreams?
Of dreams and synchronicity, writing, the Sephirot, and love.
Tony Hawkins‘ earliest memories are of dreams suggestive of pre- or other-types-of existence. Dreams informed his adult writing of epic novels and have now taken over from the writing of fiction as his main interest. He is trying to capture this ever-developing human story in a book.
Curt Hoffman
The Gilgamesh Cantata: A Dream-Based Creative Process
This article describes my 2-year creative process in writing a cantata for four voices based upon the “Incantations” text from C.G. Jung’s Red Book. All of the 72 musical themes for this work have been given to me in a series of dreams, and the dreams have also often provided information on how to combine the themes in counterpoint or harmony, how to structure the music on both small and large scales, and how to perform it. A link to a recent performance of part of the work will be included.
Curtiss Hoffman is a Professor of Anthropology at Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater MA. He offers courses in archaeology, mythology, religion, and culture and consciousness. He has been an active dreamer for 20 years, with over 10,000 dreams in his computer database, and participates in two face-to-face and two on-line dream groups. He is a frequent presenter at IASD conferences and at the Psiberdreaming Conference. He has recently been reelected to the IASD Board of Trustees. He has a lifelong interest in music, but he only embarked on composition two years ago, as a result of powerful dream initiatives.
Ed Kellogg
Tails of the Astral Plane
In the 40 years since the Maimonides studies it has become clear, through both scientific research and first hand reports, that individuals can become telepathically linked in dreams, and can even experience one another in a consensual way in a shared intersubjective dreamspace. However, considering the fact that many animals dream physiologically just as humans do, it should not surprise us that, given the strong bonds between humans and their animal companions, that psi-dreaming might connect humans with other species as well. This presentation will explore human-animal psi-dreaming, and invites participants to share their own interspecies dreams.
Ed Kellogg, Ph.D. (USA) earned his Ph.D. in biochemistry at Duke University, and has published numerous papers on his work in fields as diverse as the biochemistry of aging, bioelectricity, general semantics, lucid dreaming, voluntary controls, and the phenomenology of consciousness. From 2002 to 2005 – with a lot of help! – he created, organized, and hosted IASD’s first four online PsiberDreaming Conferences.
Mary Pat Lynch
Convergence, Connection and Synthesis: The Path to Developing My Practice
Dreamwork is one among the practices I explore, a set that includes shamanic journeying, the Tarot, and astrology. My experiences are interwoven, as each supposedly separate discipline refers to and includes the others implicitly and explicitly. Yet each path has its own training, ules, trajectory, and audience. Are my own combinations valid? Where does the authority reside when we weave practices together? How do we honor tradition and discipline, while following where life leads us? These are my 11th dimension questions.
Mary Pat Lynch, PhD, is a writer and educator, as well as an astrologer, shamanic practitioner, and Tarot reader. Blogging at http://risingmoonastrology.blogspot.com/, she explores the Moon’s cycles as a way into all the intuitive languages.
Tallulah Lyons
Dreams and Guided Imagery: Gifts for Transforming Illness and Crisis
From the Cancer Project of IASD come Dream Appreciation and Guided Imagery approaches that can help anyone more into the fullness of living no matter the circumstances. Dreams and Guided Imagery is a book that chronicles techniques and clinical findings that have developed from the Cancer Project during the past seven years. Through excerpts from the book, PDC participants will learn about the process of Dream Re-Entry through Guided Imagery and the healing impact of transforming nightmares and sending transformed energy to areas of mind, body and spirit that dreams have identified as needing special care. Participants will also be invited to discuss the present state of dream work in the field of general healthcare and will be asked to help formulate an approach through which passionate dream workers can join together to promote research and attitudes of respect and acceptance among all levels of heath care workers.
Tallulah Lyons, M.Ed co-creator with Wendy Pannier of the IASD Healing Power of Dreams Project which has been bringing presentations and dream groups to cancer centers since 2005. Tallulah is on the staff of two cancer wellness centers in Atlanta, and is the author of Dreams and Guided Imagery: Gifts for transforming Illness and Crisis. www.healingpowerofdreams.com
Wendy Pannier is co-creator of the IASD Cancer Project. She is past President of IASD and has served on the Board’s Executive Committee for more than a decade. Her work with Montague Ullman, M.D. for more than 20 years shaped her understanding of dream appreciation and the power of group dream work.
Dolores Nurss
Writing From Dreams
You all know the feeling. You have dreams–so rich , so powerful with something beyond describing that you have to find some way to describe it anyway—an impossible-seeming quest that you must master regardless of its impossibility, by whatever genius or magic or untried strength that you cannot yet imagine having, yet know you must develop. Because the dreams need told; they overflow with more than you.
For some of you, reporting them to a dream group will not suffice. In the marrow of your bones you know that others have to share them, people who don’t necessarily join dream groups or even know that dreams matter at all. And—every instinct cries this out–a bare recitation of the sensory data just won’t cut it; only art can capture those “beyond describing” nuances.
When this happens, a few of you will decide on storytelling as the proper way to share, that your dream is story. And you realize that the message doesn’t even lie in all the minutiae of the dream itself—maybe the most personal layer of the message does for you, but a core lies deeper than that, for the story meant for others.
In this presentation I show how I spin stories from dreams, in the hopes that some of my methods will work for you.
Dolores J. Nurss, AKA Dreamdeer, is an oneironaut and lay dreamworker, who bases her online fiction on a recurring dreamworld. A self-educated ivory trailer intellectual, she lives in a former dude ranch in the Sonoran desert (resembling castle ruins) with her husband, David Bragi.
Paul Overman
Dreaming: The Way of Children and Ancestors
In yogic and shamanic dreaming traditions, ancestors, either from family, clan, spiritual ancestry or ancient humanity, are recognized to be guides, intercessors or aids for waking life through the dream state. Ancestors or over-seeing “presences” are being reported more openly by new-millennium dreamers, when given the freedom to share without listener bias or skepticism. This presentation introduces the “power of agency” as a key principle to the new dreamer’s call and the role of dream initiation through “affiliation” with ancestors. Some excerpts are from Paul’s ebook The Shamanic Dream.
Paul, East-West psychologist and sound-consciousness researcher specializes in shamanic and yogic dreaming. His ebook The Shamanic Dream is currently being released. Paul is a trained yogic meditator of thirty years. Paul is Director of his recently founded Shamana Institute, focusing on ecology, dreams and creativity.
Valley Reed
Awakening the Sacred Dream with Big Dreams
Over the past decade, my experience of “Big Dreams” has become more common. These transpersonal dreams are big in the sense they may express a dream of the community, the earth, or the cosmos and are beyond concerns of the everyday self. This presentation looks at the role Big Dreams play for indigenous communities, who continue to face declining numbers, disappearing ancestral traditions, decimation of sacred lands and the environment. How can dreamers in modern, western civilization restore our connection to the sacred dream? Participants are invited to share their Big Dreams and any actions that flow from them.
Valley Reed C.D.T. is a healer, teacher, writer, dancer, activist and mother of two teenagers living in Dallas Texas. Her private practice for 12 years is Chrysalis Healing Arts where she teaches Shamanic approaches to Active Dreaming in workshops and dream groups. Website www.chrysalishealingarts.org Blog www.dreamsawake.wordpress.com
Massimo Schinco
“The continuity depends on us”: Mozart’s Requiem K626 in d-minor
There is an incredible stream “out there”, fast at least as light is fast. Our mind strives to simplify and slow it down, building images and representations very slow, heavy and stiff. The fastest one’s mind goes, the most one loses “the touch” with the stream, becoming prisoner of separate images, individual and collective. Conversely, the most one slows one’s mind down, eventually up to silence and rest, the most one gets in touch with this incredible and unbelievable stream. Music and dreams might express this continuity in a very special way … nevertheless, “the continuity depends on us”.
Dott. Massimo Schinco (Italy): Psychotherapist and amateur musician is Co – Director of the Milan Centre of Family Therapy. As an author he focuses on creative change. Currently serving as member of IASD Board of Directors, he presented at PDC (2008, 2010) and at IASD Intl. Conferences (2010, 2011, 2012)
- Scott Sparrow
Imagery Change Analysis: Working with Dream Imagery from the Standpoint of Cocreative Dream Theory
I will consider dream imagery analysis from the standpoint of what has been called the co-creative dream paradigm, and show how a dream worker can shift from a traditional static content orientation to a dynamic relational approach to dream work, and approach the dream imagery from a radically new, and yet naturalistic and common-sense perspective. Instead of asking, “What does this image mean?” which implies that the image is fixed, and has a fixed meaning, I will discuss how new questions defined by the co-creative paradigm set a new course for imagery analysis that I call Imagery Change Analysis (ICA). Such questions include: “How does the imagery change in the course of the dream?” and “How do the imagery’s changes reflect the dreamer’s changes in belief, attitude or response?” I will show how these questions enable us to discern how the reciprocal relationship between dreamer and dream content is a growing, or regressing process–that the dreamer is either moving toward integration of some issue, or away from it. ICA helps the dreamer see that a series of outwardly disparate images often refer to a general life issue rather than to one specific situation. Dream workers familiar with various hierarchical systems of life domains, such as the Eastern concept of chakras, or Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, will find that this shift from specific to general imagery will help the dreamer understand that a dream may reflect a struggle /and or a resolution of a basic problem related to survival, affiliation, power, service, or any of the other discrete dimensions of life that have been defined in such comprehensive systems. This shift from static imagery analysis may seem overly complicated, but in actual practice it comes across as a natural, client-centered form of inquiry. To demonstrate how ICA fits comfortably into co-creative dream practice, I will include a link to a video of working with a dream using ICA.
Scott wrote Lucid Dreaming: Dawning of the Clear Light in his early 20s, and several other dream-related books since. He is President of IASD, an Associate Professor of counseling at the University of Texas-Pan American, and a faculty member of Atlantic University. He has developed a dream work method based on his lucid dream research and co-creative dream theory. He is founder of DreamStar Institute, which offers mentoring and certification in co-creative dream analysis for laypersons and clinicians.
Gloria Sturzenacker
Long-Term Coherence: Have You Noticed It, Too?
At my first IASD conference in 1997, I presented the visual journaling system (Inner Guide Mapping) that I had developed to track connections among dreams and waking events, particularly those involving complex synchronicities. There I met Cynthia Pearson and Dennis Schmidt, who share this passionate interest in “long-term coherence.” As we loosely collaborated over time, we were puzzled that there weren’t more dreamers discussing this phenomenon, which at the 2000 conference I suggested is “a growth tip of human evolution.” My impression is that long-term coherence is being described more often now, and I’ll be surveying PDC participants on the matter.
Gloria Sturzenacker is an editor, writer, and information designer in New York City. She developed a symbol system, Inner Guide Mapping, to track the multilayered interaction of internal and external experience. She has been a presenter at many IASD conferences, both annual and online, since 1997
Robert Waggoner
Accessing Your Greater Awareness Through Lucid Dreaming
Experienced lucid dreamers report instances of seeking out and successfully accessing unknown information (normally considered telepathic, clairvoyant or precognitive), which they later validate after waking from the lucid dream. Moreover, lucid dreamers frequently report interacting with another layer of conscious awareness, which seems to possess a broader awareness than the waking self. In this presentation, we will explore the wide range of reported experiences, and investigate lucid dreaming’s potential to provide scientific evidence for psychic dreaming and access to a greater consciousness. Can lucid dreaming become a tool for exploring our larger Self and psi information?
Robert Waggoner is author of the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self. A past president of IASD, Robert co-edits the magazine, the Lucid Dreaming Experience. A lucid dreamer since 1975, he has logged more than 1,000 lucid dreams.
Bob Van de Castle
Psychic Connections in the Dreams of Identical Twins
and Heart Transplant Patients
Some interesting questions about psychic interconnectivity are brought to the forefront whenever questions are raised concerning whether persons who share similar biological backgrounds share similar dreaming experiences. Information from Paul Pearsall’s book, The Heart’s Code, Guy Playfair’s book, Twin Telepathy, and various research articles will be reviewed to provide preliminary answers to this intriguing concept. Readers will be encouraged to supply other examples they have encountered from contact with friends or relatives that relate to the topic.
Robert Van de Castle, PhD is a retired Clinical Psychologist. He is the co-author of The Content Analysis of Dreams with Calvin Hall (1966) and the author of Our Dreaming Mind (1994). He was President of ASD in 1985, President of the Parapsychology Association in 1970 and in 2004 he received the first ASD Lifetime Achievement in Dreamwork Award.
Mary Zeimer
Lucid Surrender: The Alchemy of Psycho-Spiritual Transformation
What happens when the lucid dreamer “lets go” in a dream and relinquishes control over the dreaming process? This presentation uses the four-stage process of the alchemical coniunctio—separate, dissolve, re-combine, and fix—as a model for understanding and contextualizing the experience of lucid surrender. The alchemical flask where the coniunctio takes place is within the lucid dreamer’s psyche. Each stage reflects a psycho-spiritual process culminating in a profound experience of inner wholeness. The process finds completion in the lucid dreamer’s re-engagement with life as the inner transformation enacted by lucid surrender is mirrored in the waking world.
Mary Ziemer, the Director of HELP Counselling Centre, has an MA in Psychology and Religion, Heythrop College, London, and a diploma in Transpersonal Psychotherapy from the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education, CCPE, London. At CCPE, she is establishing a Dream Research Institute with Dr. Nigel Hamilton, Director, CCPE.
Group Presentation:
Fariba Bogzaran, PhD, Daniel Deslauriers, PhD; Stanley Krippner, PhD
Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreams
Integral Dreaming advocates a broad-ranging vision of Dream Studies. This inclusive model considers dreams as multifaceted phenomena that incorporates scientific, phenomenological, sociocultural, ecological, and others way of knowing. Three principles stands in its core: We are multidimensional beings, dreams are multidimensional, approaches to dreams have to be multi-layered. In this presentation, the theory of Integral Dreaming and a philosophy of practice will be discussed in the light of extraordinary experiences in dreams.
Fariba Bogzaran, Ph.D., faculty member of Consciousness Studies at John F. Kennedy University, where she founded the dream studies program. She has taught dream studies internationally since 1984. Her approach to dreams is informed by her training in East-West and somatic psychology, shamanic studies, contemplative practices and art. She worked with Stephen LaBerge at Stanford Sleep Laboratory on lucid dreaming (1986-88) and conducted the first scientific research on spiritual experiences in lucid dreaming (1989). Among her publications are: Extraordinary Dreams and How to Work with Them (SUNY Press, 2002); Five Keys to the Secret World of Remedios Varo (2008) and Integral Dreaming: A Holistic Approach to Dreams (SUNY Press, 2012).
Daniel Deslauriers, Ph.D. is professor of Transformative Studies at the California
Institute of Integral Studies. He was cofounder of the Montreal Center for the Study
of Dreams. Prof. Deslauriers is a co-author of Le rêve: sa nature, sa fonction et une
methode d’analyse (PUQ, 1987) and Integral Dreaming: A holistic approach to dreams (SUNY, 2012). He has published articles on dreams, epistemology and narrative research, among them: Dreams at the boundaries of self and others (2011); Transcultural strategies for working with dreams (2009); Dreamwork in the light of emotional and spiritual intelligence (2000). He was recipient of the Templeton 2000 Science and Religion Course Award for his course Consciousness, Science, and Religion.
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Saybrook University, San Francisco, is a Fellow in four APA divisions, and past-president of two divisions (30 and 32). Formerly, he was director of the Maimonides Medical Center Dream Research Laboratory, in Brooklyn NY. He is co-author of Extraordinary Dreams (SUNY Press, 2002), The Mythic Path, (Energy Psychology Press, 2006); Haunted by Combat: Understanding PTSD in War Veterans (Greenwood, 2007), Dreamworking, (1988); and co-editor of Perchance to Dream: The frontier of dream psychology (2009); Personal Mythology (2008); Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence (APA, 2000), Dreamscaping (1999) and many other books.
Attendance at IASD’s 2013 PsiberDreaming Conference, “Through the Looking Glass of Dreams” has been the highest ever–a demonstration of growing global interest in dreams and dream work. Over 200 people are attending this year’s online conference, including 52 new IASD members. Welcome to IASD!
IASD would like to thank the many, hard-working volunteers who make this annual conference possible.
IASD PsiberDreaming 2013 – Our 12th Annual PsiberDreaming Conference
Through the Looking Glass of Dreams
September 22 – October 6, 2013
Two weeks – Online all the time
Through the Looking Glass of Dreams:
Many psychologists and philosophers view dreams as a metaphorical mirror of the ego, psyche, soul, or some otherwise hidden aspect of oneself. Lewis Carroll’s book Through the Looking-Glass has his character Alice step through a dream mirror into an alternate reality – where, among other challenges, she’s told that she only exists as a character in the Red King’s dream. People have a variety of fascinating experiences when dreaming of looking into a mirror, and lucid dreamers often experiment with mirrors in dreams. What do we learn about ourselves in the looking-glass of dreams, and how do they serve as a portal into possibilities hitherto undreamed?
Special thanks to pasQuale Ourtane for designing the masthead banner!
Join Host Jean Campbell and the PsiberDreaming Team for two weeks of cutting-edge presentations, workshops, and discussion with some top experts in the field of dreams.
Presenters, Abstracts and Bios
Bjo Ashwill
Bjo Ashwill, a member of IASD since 1996 and honorary Triple Crown Winner of the first Psiber Dreaming Conference, is a counselor, teacher, disability activist, playwright, occasional actress and dancer, and loves doing Dreamwork. She is also proud to be a great grandma! Bjo has been working on word and content analysis of dreams since before time. She created a software package called DreamSpinner which does word count frequencies and content analysis in her continual search for the meanings and patterns in her dreams. She has done presentations of her work in at least four IASD conferences.
Respondent to Kelly Bulkeley’s presentation: Compared to What? The Question of Baselines in Digital Dream Research
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Kelly Bulkeley
Kelly Bulkeley is a Visiting Scholar at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. He earned his PhD in religion and psychological studies from the University of Chicago, MTS from Harvard University, and BA from Stanford University. He is a member of the editorial board of Pastoral Psychology, a senior editor for the APA journal Dreaming, and a regular blogger for the Huffington Post. His books include The Wondering Brain (Routledge, 2005), Dreaming in the World’s Religions (New York University Press, 2008), American Dreamers (Beacon Press, 2008), and the co-edited Teaching Jung (Oxford University Press, 2012). He is the director of the Sleep and Dream Database (SDDb), an open-access digital archive and search engine designed to promote empirical research on dreams, psychology, and culture.
Compared to What? The Question of Baselines in Digital Dream Research
This presentation focuses on a methodological question that is central to the future use of database technologies in dream research: Compared to what? When researchers make quantitative claims about dream content–for example, “Thirteen percent of dreams have references to fire”–we can’t properly evaluate those claims without knowing more details about 1) the data set being used in the study and 2) the comparative basis for determining the significance, if any, of the claims. Is 13% a high frequency, or a low one? We can only know if we have some kind of baseline for making the comparison. In my presentation I discuss some of the principles that should be followed in developing appropriate baselines for future research. These principles include aspects of sample size, data quality, transparency of sources, and appreciation for the multiplicity of dreams.
Note: The PsiberDreaming Conference schedule will include responses to this presentation from two other dream researchers whose research has focused on similar or related questions: Bjo Ashwill and Robert Van de Castle.
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Wanda Burch
Wanda Burch [MA, history; graduate work in British history] is a 23 year breast cancer survivor whose book, She Who Dreams: A Journey into Healing through Dreamwork [2003, New World Library] describes how working with dreams and dream imagery saved her life. Wanda is an advocate peer reviewer for the Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) which supports innovative, high-impact breast cancer research.
Wanda works as a staff and board member with Creative Healing Connections. As a staff member, she leads dream workshops in arts retreats at Great Camp Sagamore in the Adirondacks for women surviving chronic illness and arts/reintegration retreats at Wiawaka Holiday House in Lake George, NY, for women who have served in the military. Wanda is an historian; retired site manager of Johnson Hall, a NY State historic site; a contributor to numerous journals in both history and self-help; and a board member of several non-profit organizations, including both history museums and breast cancer advocacy organizations. She is a team member of Dragons Alive, a community support dragon-boat team.
Wanda’s current book research is on dreams in the letters of Civil War soldiers. Recognizing the power of battlefield dreams of home and family and of the gifts of the imagination may be one of the keys – a missing piece – to returning today’s soldier safely home and to offering healing from the nightmare of war; a place where souls and hearts can mend and find humanity even on the battlefield where horror and terror force themselves into the most protected and private places that struggle to keep body and spirit together and whole. Our culture is not so far removed from the Civil War battlefield that we cannot reclaim the power of dreaming as a vital part of healing for the soldier returning home from a physical nightmare.
Pictures of Hope: Dreams in the Writings of Soldiers in the American Civil War, 1861-1865
On August 7, 1862, Henry Graves, physically exhausted from walking, fighting, and from four days detail digging trenches under a Petersburg, Virginia, sun and not “a breath of air stirring,” sat down and wrote to his wife, describing the importance of the imagination and dreams to survival. Reading this letter sent me on a search that led to Civil War archives, published memoirs, poems written from dreams, and to the physical landscape of battlefields where the letters were written.
Dreaming of home is the universal missing piece in our understanding of soldiers’ lives on the battlefield; it is the place where souls and hearts can mend and find humanity in a landscape of terror and horror. Our culture is not so far removed from the Civil War battlefield that we cannot recognize and reclaim the power of dreaming as a vital part of healing for the soldier returning home.
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Larry Burk
Larry Burk, MD, CEHP is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner and president of Healing Imager, Inc., specializing in teleradiology, EFT, hypnosis and dreamwork. He was former associate professor of radiology and director of integrative medicine education at Duke University Medical Center and board president of the Rhine Research Center from 2007-2008. Dr. Burk is the author of the book, Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist, and a blogger for the Huffington Post. His scientific articles, newspaper columns, newsletters and video blogs are posted at www.letmagichappen.com
Prodromal Dreams of Breast Cancer and Clinical Correlation
Two of my close friends were warned of their own breast cancers in dreams that prompted them to go for breast imaging studies. They are both healthcare professionals with years of training in left-brain decision making processes. They also cultivate right-brain skills such as meditation and paying attention to synchronicities, but it seems that the really important information they needed only came through in the dream state when their left-brain filters were temporarily suspended. This approach to self-care is safe and free like breast self-examination, but relies on trusting your intuitive abilities rather than your palpation skills. Modern medicine emphasizes high tech diagnostic methods for breast diagnosis such as mammography, ultrasound and MRI with little credence given to intuitive approaches to the acquisition of knowledge about disease. However, Psychiatrists Vasily Kasatkin and Robin Royston have reported large series of dreams that warn of a variety of health concerns including cancer.
These two eye-opening stories of dream intuition inspired me to do an Internet and literature search for additional examples. I got more than I bargained for when I hit the “mother lode” by finding Wanda Easter Burch’s She Who Dreams. In her book Wanda describes the dreams that guided her to find her cancer after doctors dismissed her nagging breast pain and that allowed her to localize it specifically to guide her surgeon’s biopsy needle. She presented “Dreaming Well: Harvesting Dream Imagery for Healing” in the 2008 PsiberDreaming Conference. Wanda reported a survey of 19 women from a 2004 breast cancer support group meeting at the Charles Wood Cancer Center in Glens Falls, N.Y. Ten had prodromal dreams of their breast cancers with warning visits from deceased family members in all but one of them.
Wanda’s stories are quite amazing, but of course we have no idea about the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of warning dreams, since it has not been scientifically studied. I published the information above in a Reality Sandwich blog, “Dreams that Warn of Breast Cancer” on June 20, 2013, and included it in my presentation at the 2013 IASD conference. Subsequent to the blog publication I have heard from other women with reports of similar dream breast cancer diagnosis bringing the total number to 20 including reports in the literature. It seems that the phenomenon is more common than most people appreciate. Discussion at the IASD conference centered on ways to create a database that would allow scientific study of prodromal dreams in breast cancer. This paper is intended to continue that dialogue in hopes of stimulating this much-needed research in the dream community.
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Njeri Damali Campbell
Njeri Damali Campbell is a third-year law student living in Toronto with a professional background in human rights, equity and youth engagement. Over the years, she has facilitated workshops for young women with eating disorders; and lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer youth using dreamwork, collaging and popular theatre techniques. She enjoys salsa dancing, freediving, and reading anything written by Nalo Hopkinson. As an Afrikan woman, Njeri is deeply committed to the process of individual and collective emancipation from oppression. Her work with dreams is an important part of this process. She loves telling stories, getting to know people, and spending time in the woods and underwater.
Afrikan woman. Silver Suit. Crystal Staircase: The Role of Dreams in Personal and Collective Emancipation
Dreams are our mirrors, yes. But what does that mean for those of us who are engaged in a process of emancipation? Can dreams assist us in dismantling internalized oppression? In this presentation, I demonstrate how dreamwork can be used to identify ways to deal with internalized oppression. Central to discussion is the dream: “Afrikan woman. Silver Suit. Crystal staircase” in which the dreamer confronts internalized racism, sexism and homophobia. In doing so, I will suggest ways that dreamers can develop deeper connections between dreamwork and personal and collective liberation.
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Laurel Clark
Laurel Clark is a teacher with the School of Metaphysics and has been keeping a dream journal for 35+ years. She uses dreams in her practice as a psi counselor and interfaith minister to aid people to draw upon their own inner guidance. Author of the book Intuitive Dreaming, she frequently writes articles on dreams published in print and online magazines. She has recently been elected to the IASD Board as Secretary.
Dreaming: An Introvert’s Paradise
We live in a culture that values people with outgoing personalities. Many introverts learn that there is something wrong with being immersed in an interior world. In public schools, introverts are often pushed to socialize in ways that don’t interest them. As adults, some introverts make excuses to avoid situations where they feel compelled to engage in small talk when they would prefer more intimate conversations.
Dreaming is a place for introverts to be at home. Dreams can entertain, inform, arouse, intrigue … when dreams are considered important and valuable, it offers people a way to understand themselves and to be at peace with who they are.
This presentation explores how the looking glass of dreams is a way for quiet, introspective people who enjoy their interior space to become centered and to understand their own value. It also gives examples of how dream-sharing can be a means of communication with all personality types, offering a way for introverts and extroverts alike to find common ground in the universal experience of dreaming.
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Beverly Durso
Beverly D’Urso, one of the characters in this dream we call life, started having lucid dreams in her sleep at the age of seven after she surrendered to her true self in a recurring nightmare. After researching lucid dreaming in the 1980’s at Stanford, where she completed her PhD, she began to study spirituality. Beverly currently follows the Diamond Approach path and maintains the sites: http://www.durso.org/beverly/ and http://wedreamnow.info/ She no longer waits to go to sleep to become lucid and surrender to her true self.
Self Image to True Self
Beverly will share her ideas about lucidity, self image, and true self by telling a story about a little girl who begins life as her true self but quickly learns to dissociate from it. First, she equates herself with an image in a mirror. As she learns to walk and talk, she thinks of her body and personality as her true self. When she understands that she is dreaming she knows her true self as more than just her body. She discovers how her true self can release her from pain if she surrenders to it completely.
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Christoph Gassman
Christoph Gassman is a psychologist in Switzerland. He was originally trained in psychoanalysis and psychodrama, but follows today an eclectic approach, with emphasis on Jung’s work and the Seth material. He adheres to empirical methods and to a philosophical approach to psychology which is based on the spirit as primary cause, and not matter. Mystical psychologies in Buddhism, Sufism and Shamanism which are related to the dream experience, are of his interest.
The Identity of the Dreaming “I”
This paper is based on a dream journal. Several dreams are presented to show how the identity of the dreamer can change as well as the dream scenes change. For a better understanding of the phenomenon, a distinction in primary or basic identity and a secondary identity is introduced, which is composed of additional attributes. To these secondary attributes belong the human body and the sex. These findings are compared with some results of scientific research.
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Dale Graff
Dale E. Graff, B.S., M.S. is an internationally recognized lecturer, writer and researcher in psi topics. He is a former director of project Stargate, the US government program for research and applications of remote viewing. His books,Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness and RIVER DREAMS discuss remote viewing, psi dreaming/precognition and synchronicities. www.dalegraff.com
Lenses of Perception: Symbol and Reality
A variety of phenomena may occur prior to or during transitions into lucid dreaming (LD), out-of-body- experiences (OBE) or other altered states of consciousness (ACs). The phenomena may be incidental, symbolic or functional. Various concepts are presented on transition phenomena, the brain as a lens system, shifts in perceptual frames of references and space-time content as a projection from an energy-frequency aspect of Basic Reality.
Dale E. Graff
Email: mtnviewer@dalegraff.com
Web Site: www.dalegraff.com
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Lou Hagood
Lou Hagood is a licensed psychoanalyst who does dream play face to face and on the web at www.PlayingWithDreams.blogspot.com . He has published papers, presented at IASD annual conferences, and has a book on dreams.
Looking Glass Logic
A response to a dream-incubation question of left and right takes the dreamer through the looking glass of dream logic concerning the play of opposites.
Concepts such as duality and symmetry are explored on both sides of the mirror, drawing on mysticism and quantum theory. In Jean Cocteau’s film, Orpheus, the hero’s access to the Underworld is through a mirror, creating a shadow world through the looking glass. Life and death are the ultimate opposites.
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Michael Kroll
James Michael Kroll, Ph.D. is an engineer by profession, a life long dream enthusiast, and a charter member of the Mortal Mist and Deep Dreaming discussion forums. His personal interests in relation to the dreaming mind include exploring PSI phenomenon, reality modeling and the induction of lucid dreams. A summary of his experiences may be found in his interview with Robert Waggoner in the December 2012 issue of the Lucid Dreaming Experience. He holds a U.S. patent on the use of electrical and magnetic stimulation to induce lucid dreams.
Maria Isabel Pita
Maria Isabel Pita is a best-selling author of both fiction and non-fiction. Her most recent works include A Concise Guide to Ancient Egypt’s Magic & Religion, Lucid Living Lucid Dreaming – A Personal Journey and the epic Truth is the Soul of the Sun – A Biographical Novel of Hatshepsut-Maatkare. Maria is a regular contributor to the Lucid Dreaming Experience, for which she was interviewed by Robert Waggoner in the September 2011 issue. She invites comments and questions on her lucid dreaming Blog, updated weekly: http://lucidlivingluciddreaming.org/
Dream Partners: An Experiment in Dream Telepathy, Consciousness Splitting, and Mutual Lucid Dreaming
When we look at the fundamentals of remote viewing, telepathy and precognition, it seems safe to assume that consciousness has the ability to split, effectively accessing more than one point in space/time at once. It is also widely recognized that dissociative states such as dreaming facilitate a more complete “tuning” into such alternative points. With that said, the vast majority of data collection in relation to dream PSI are primarily personal, largely accidental in nature, or occur within specific conditions and time frames. There is an obvious question looming: As we learn more about PSI, the dreaming mind and lucid dreaming in particular, can we induce consistent dream PSI experiences between two people? In November of 2012, Maria and I began attempting to experience a shared lucid dream, and our ongoing experiments seem to indicate that the answer is “yes”. We have never met physically in waking reality and live approximately 700 miles apart but a telepathic dream link between us can be consistently created with intent. Such a link facilitates dream imagery being shared, even “bounced” back and forth over the course of the night and ongoing nights. It is also possible to have a joint shared lucid dream with a remarkable level of cognitive recovery and shared dream images. Equally fascinating is that love (not necessarily romantic) appears to enhance these dream PSI connections, providing a mysterious level of interconnection.
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Linda Mastrangelo
Linda Mastrangelo, MA MFTI is an educator, writer, artist, and a graduate-level certified dream specialist. In 2009, she created the Examiner’s first dream column and a contributing writer for The Dream Tribe. Her articles and art about sleep and dreams have been included in The Lucid Dream Exchange, Dream Network Journal, All Things Healing and DreamTime Magazine and she is the Editor of Dream News. Linda is also adjunct faculty in English and Psychology and has done trainings and workshops around the world including hospice and counseling facilities. Linda sits on the board of directors at IASD, is member of CAMFT and the Writer’s Guild of America, West. You can find her on FaceBook or follow her at: twitter@sfdreamexaminer or visit www.thedreamtribe.com
Alice’s Looking Glass: Exploring Portals to Other Dimensions in Lucid Dreams
“The simplest way to visualize a Kerr wormhole is to think of Alice’s Looking Glass. Anyone walking through the Looking Glass would be transported instantly into Wonderland, a world where animals talked in riddles and common sense wasn’t so common.”
–Michio Kaku excerpt from Blackholes, Wormholes and the Tenth Dimension
In this paper, my personal experiences with lucid dreaming will be explored specifically focusing on different portals or gateways to other dimensions. While practicing lucid dreaming techniques I realized that in my pre-lucid state I would often see some sort of “window” in my periphery, usually to the right of me. In these gateways or portals, wormholes and membranes, I could travel between worlds using portals. In dreams, I visited the Underworld, flew into the eeriness of the Void and played in the Imaginal Realm: The place of my imagination. I met friends from parallel universes and visited relatives “from the other side.” What was even more exiting was discovering the parallels between quantum physics, indigenous science and researching my ancestry regarding The World Tree.
The topic of this paper was inspired by Robert Waggoner’s interview of me for the (LDE) The Lucid Dream Experience magazine. The concept was explored in more detail with Robert at the IASD’s 30th annual conference in Virginia Beach. Together, we came up with specific types of portals in hopes to expand awareness for this phenomenon and create an open dialogue for other lucid dreamers to share their personal experiences in other dimensions.
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Tine Metz
Tine Metz
Picture Your Dreams: A Dream Art Workshop
In order to do dream art, you do not need to be an artist; being a dreamer having a dream is enough – a dream which you may want to give a place of honor and reflection in waking physical reality.
Tine Metz is a freelance artist and qualified graphic designer who has created dream collages for the last four PsiberDreaming conferences.
In this workshop she will offer practical techniques and tips, along with whatever support and assistance you need to create your own dream artworks.
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pasQuale Ourtane
pasQuale Ourtane, MA MSc is the founder and creator of the Lucid Dreamers’ community, LD4all.com. She is a creative designer, cognitive psychologist and lucid dreamer.
Through the Mirror – workshop
Mirrors in lucid dreams have always fascinated me. In fact so much, that when I launched my lucid dreaming website, I named it “Through the Mirror – Beyond Dreaming”. That website is now known as LD4all, the Lucid Dreamers Community. My fascination for mirrors still exists. If you want to experience for yourself what it is to travel through a mirror in a dream, then join this workshop. I will be your guide on this journey. Destination: Behind the Mirror.
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Paul Overman
Paul Overman, PhD leads dream retreats, focusing on incubating, identifying and working with extraordinary dreams. He teaches principles drawn from yogic and shamanic insight into inner “listening,” inner “seeing,” and safe-rewarding dream “trekking” in both night and waking dreams. Paul believes it is now time for ancient dreaming practices and principles to become more available to the public, as consciousness and the science of dreams evolves for this New Millennium. Some of Dr. Paul’s work can be found in his ebook The Shamanic Dream, and in his blog at his web site www.theshamanicdream.com.
Paul specializes in East-West dreaming practices, is founder of the Shamana Institute and Director of The Dream Listener Program, a dream-creativity and peak-performance mentoring, training and educational program for children, parents and adults. His M.A. in clinical psychology is from the University of Dayton and his Ph.D. in Integral Counseling Psychology is from the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. He has studied Eastern philosophy and Eastern meditation and dreaming practices for over thirty years.
Mutual Dreaming: Above, Below and All Around
Dr. Paul draws upon his work with lucid dreaming, shamanic dreaming and yogic dreaming to explore and explain some of the dynamics and forces at play behind mutual dreaming. He presents varied levels and types of lucid and mutual dreaming, the multiple-layered, boundary-energy connections of the “dreamers,” the need for awareness of potential positive, negative and neutral encounters in dreaming, and insights into some obstacles to mutual or lucid dreaming.
Paul’s approach to waking-dream training of the subtle-body (the dream body) to support dreams of “mutuality” for receiving or giving: power; healing; creative activity; and harmonious relationships will be introduced. The presentation is didactic with dreaming examples or case studies.
Paul also describes challenges and risks as society evolves from one focused on dream interpretation to a “dreaming society” through growing work with lucid dreaming, mutual dreaming, and shamanic dreaming. Paul sees one of the greatest risks is modern society not having thorough knowledge, topography and guidance for addressing “shadow” dreams; thus, Paul will present an introductory, basic model and approach based on yogic, shamanic and wisdom traditions.
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Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker, PhD I am an Associate Research Fellow at the University of the West of England which has resulted in my authoring two books and having several papers published in peer reviewed journals. I have been a member of IASD for 15 years and am currently a serving member of the Board of Directors. I currently work as a free lance psychologist and researcher and have developed my own intuitive way of working with dreams.
In addition to researching dreams, I am also an expert in addictive behaviours. This paper shows my current research interests by exploring dreams in addictive behaviours; or more specifically the effects of addiction on family member’s dream content. You can visit my website at: www.dreamshrink.com if you would like more information about me or my work.
The Dream Content of Young Women Exposed to Addiction
This is the first study to explore the dream content of women exposed to addictive behaviours. The aim of this study was to describe the dream reports of young women who were raised by at least one parent who was chemically dependent and, who were at the time of data collection, were in a romantic relationship with someone with an addiction. Thirteen women, aged between 18 and 25 completed a series of questionnaires that measured the effect of growing up in a family where an addictive behaviour was present. These women then recorded their dreams for one month. In total 118 dream reports were analysed and compared to 100 reports collected from non-exposed controls. Several key differences were found in the dreams of women exposed to addiction that were linked to waking characteristics of people where addiction was present in a family. Under these conditions, dreams can be used in therapy to help those affected by someone else’s addiction.
Key words: Addiction, motivation, emotional concerns, continuity principle, dreams of family members
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Eric Ponvelle
Eric Ponvelle began his dreaming life as a child plagued with nightmares. Through study, he learned how to fend these night terrors away. In his pursuit of a writing career, Eric has become well-versed in the lucid dreaming culture, publishing “Dreamscapes” in two separate magazines. Eric resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and a clowder of cats.
Growing the Next Generation of Psychonauts
Because of a suppressed upbringing that staunched creativity and imagination, a lot of us are unable to understand how to integrate feelings of discontent and unease spurred by our ever-changing society. Personal exploration is considered a fruitless activity, and many were taught that dreams were just “imaginary.”
Through work with children, I believe we can create a future climate where dreaming, meditation, and other psychonautic activities are considered important and required for a healthy life. By encouraging these novice psychonauts, I believe we can create an emphasis on understanding and growing the self. When esoteric hobbies become not only accepted but embraced, even those disinterested now will find new land to cover.
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Misa Tsuruta
Misa Tsuruta, MA (Tokyo, Japan), is a PhD Candidate at Department Psychology, The New School for Social Research. She works as counselor, lecture/workshop provider, and dance instructor in Tokyo. She recently co-hosted an IASD regional conference in Tokyo, Japan.
Dreams Of Dance And Artistic Development
Among many favorite themes in my dreams, dance seems one of the recurring ones. These dreams can be genuinely about dance, but also can be about social/personal situations in my life, depicted in dance. For the IASD Virginia Beach conference I constructed a small piece that was taken from three different dance dreams. The paper discusses how dreams have guided my artistic/personal development and confidence, also tying them to some existing psychological work.
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Bob Van de Castle
Robert Van de Castle, PhD is a retired Clinical Psychologist. He is the co-author of The Content Analysis of Dreams with Calvin Hall (1966) and the author of Our Dreaming Mind (1994). He was President of ASD in 1985, President of the Parapsychology Association in 1970 and in 2004 he received the first ASD Lifetime Achievement in Dreamwork Award.
Respondent to Kelly Bulkeley’s presentation: Compared to What? The Question of Baselines in Digital Dream Research
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Susanne van Doorn
Susanne van Doorn, PhD is a Dutch therapist. She has led numerous dream groups using the Ullman method and the method provided by Strephon Kaplan Williams. She works with patients on dreams to enhance recovery. Susanne is currently working on research about dreams and health.
Meeting Each Other in Dreams -workshop
In this workshop, participants will be given an opportunity to meet one other self-selected participant in dream state and to discuss the results of what happens.
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Mary Zeimer
Mary Ziemer manages the Dream Research Institute, London, and directs the charity HELP Counselling Centre. She has an MA in Psychology and Religion and diplomas in psychotherapy and yoga. Mary has presented and written on lucid dreams in a variety of contexts both in the US and UK.
Through A Glass Lucidly – workshop
How can dream-mirrors help us to see the light of our own being? How can they teach us to become “Transparent to Transcendence”? Explore what mirrors reflect to us about our inner light and the Light of Being. In this workshop, we will step through the glass, lucidly.
Welcome to PsiberDreaming 2014
Dreams can tell us much about ourselves. But some dreams may take us beyond the familiar boundaries of ourselves. Have you ever had a dream that seems to be from, or for, or as, or with someone else? Another person? Another species, animal or alien? A different culture or distant world? Some other dimension? The “other side”?
Join IASD in an exploration of Dreaming With the Other in the 2014 PsiberDreaming Conference: two-weeks of online papers, workshops, presentations and discussion from Sunday, September 28 to Sunday, October 12, 2014. Expand Your Boundaries!
PDC 2014: Abstracts and Bios
Join Host Jean Campbell and the PsiberDreaming Team for two weeks of cutting-edge presentations, workshops, and discussion with some top experts in the field of dreams.
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Bjo Ashwill
Bjo Ashwill has been creating and growing her favorite dream project “DreamSpinner” for over 18 years. She is also a teacher, counselor, disability advocate, playwright, dreamworker and dream researcher (of sorts) and a great-granny for two baby girls. She loves the collaboration between the left brain and right brain processes
Word Count Frequency With a Face Lift: Data Visualization and New Insights into Psi Dreamers Coming Together to Play
In the past several years, Psi dreamers as a group have been spontaneously trying to sort out elements to help us gain better insights into our group experience. It is my belief that the left brain activities of noticing similarities and counting them are a helpful part of this holistic process of left brain and right brain work. They complement each other.
So, using three different types of grouping and counting words, together we will explore and perhaps find insights into our collective process.
I will use three ways of looking at word frequency counts:
- A simple word frequency count list.
2. A data visualization of those words broken down by dreamer
3. An example of DreamSpinner linking via categories.
What a treasure trove of dreams we have collected over the years. What shall we learn about finding psi material? Let’s explore it together.
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Laura Atkinson
Laura Atkinson is a photographer & graphic designer from Rhode Island who has explored the links between creativity, visual arts, and the realities of the dream/awake state for many years. She “focuses” on dream art, exploring symbolism, and has a special interest in mutual/meshing dreams. She is also the Multimedia and Web Resource administrator for IASD.
Mindfully Mutual
Creating connections within the realm of dreams can be a joyous experience. This presentation touches upon the differences between dreaming for, of, and with another person or group; addresses etiquette and ethical concerns when co-sharing dreams with partners, groups and strangers; and provides tools and suggestions for approaching mutual dreaming with agreement, sincerity and intention. This presentation will be especially beneficial for those who are beginning their journey in exploring the potentials of dreaming with others.
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Sheila Benjamin
Sheila Benjamin has studied dreams since 1978, and has used them in her counseling, ministry, and in her professional work. She has been a teacher of adults since 1979, is a psi counselor, an ordained minister in the Interfaith Church of Metaphysics, a public speaker, author, and a certified recreational therapist.
Inner Messages That Heal
In 2001 my mother died of complications that were related to diabetes. She had been in the hospital to have her leg removed. A doctor came in and said that if she got a prosthesis it would be like hopping behind a walker. After his visit, she displayed heart failure.
I was not prepared to say good-bye and made the decision to have her intubated. She died early the next morning. I thought about how selfish my decision was, which weighed on my mind. I needed to speak to her so I asked her to visit me in my dreams, and in a dream, my mother let me know that she understood my difficult decision.
We will share stories from those who have received dream messages that have aided them to receive inner guidance, to be healed, or to reach understanding.
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Virginia G. Bennett
Virginia G. Bennett is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Berkeley, California. She has a doctorate and professorship in psychology, and a Ph.D. in parapsychology. She has conducted psi research on precognition in dreams and hypnotic dreams. From her daily record of her own dreams she has learned just how common precognition can be.
Preview Dreaming
This workshop will explore how dreams provide “previews of coming attractions” of “others.” Not the “big” and disturbing precognitive dreams of plane crashes and earthquakes—but ordinary, non-life changing, events: the face of a stranger, a topic of conversation, a news headline, a movie image, flashes in a dream which, had we dreamt it after the waking event, would seem insignificant. Using protocol based on the book An Experiment in Time by John Dunne, and psi research, we will engage in re-reading our dreams every couple of days, pretending that the dreams occurred after the waking events in that two day period. In this way, we may find correspondences for which there are no “rational” explanations, and are remarkable primarily because they occurred prior to the waking encounter. In this way, we can enhance our understanding of the nature of time, synchronicity, beliefs about psi, and the meaning of our dreams.
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Seajay Crosson
Seajay Crosson began recording dreams in 1962. She learned of IASD and PsiberDreaming in 2008 after joining World Dreams Peace Bridge. In 2010 she began dream exploration and study full time. Other lifelong loves include nature and the healing arts, especially sound healing. Plants and animals visit her dreams frequently.
Is Everything Alive?
In 2010 a series of similar dreams captured my fascination. Each came as a concise little package. In each, a supposedly “inanimate” object expresses itself in response to my needs, leading my dreaming self to feel a strong sense of an “other” being present and responding to my thoughts and feelings. With so much current emphasis on “controlling” dreams, these encounters bring instead an example of dreams that provide assistance in the spirit of collaboration—dream inhabitants “offered” their support.
The idea that we are isolated and alone within our dreamworlds denies the transpersonal nature of our existence. Traditions with a far longer history than the current Western materialistic worldview acknowledge that we are all part of a greater whole. What one of us does affects all; we are not separate. This is a story of dream adventures that instruct even as they provide far deeper mysteries to explore.
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Mostafa Dini
Mostafa Dini graduated in Engineering. His achievements include working as a researcher and a conceptual designer, in addition to being a process engineer for many years. His niche is to utilize his art and science background in a new idea of stress-strain functioning of the brain. The supporting concepts have been borrowed from physics, cognitive science and Psi-theory.
Dreaming Each Other in the Same Time
An individual intends to call somebody and that somebody calls him/her. Similarly, in sleep, an individual dreams about somebody; and later will find that the somebody was dreaming about him/her on the same night.
Dreaming is a brain activity, and any brain activity needs stimulation, processing and projection. Although any of these steps highly depend on the individual brain structure, basically they should be similar.
If a stimulus in waking time is sensory and leaves strain residues in the brain, in sleep there are only the strain residues.
To have two connected activities in two separate brains, connected inputs are also needed. In addition to that, strong plasticized memories of each other are required for processing and recalling images of each other to produce harmonized outputs.
Because the brain is a chaotic medium, sometimes unconnected inputs may result in harmonized activities too. However, such phenomena are hard to formulate.
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Monica Renée Duncan
Monica Renée Duncan is a dreamworker, past life inquiry facilitator and writer. Her published credits span 30 years and include: Your Quantum Heart, Manifest from the Cosmic Web. A commissioned lay chaplain (non-denominational) and Reconnective Healing® practitioner, she blogs on spirituality and the intimate connection of soul work at www.reconnectrevivethrive.com.
Dreaming in the Fifth Dimension
Following an unusual series of waking and dream experiences for which I sought a sensible narrative thread, my dreams recently began delivering content decidedly outside my personal frame of reference, and which sent me in search of translation.
As corroboration for this development, I sought out dreamers with more experience in this kind of communication . . . dreaming with extraterrestrials.
I handily found dreamers who quietly admit to an ongoing conversation with what they consistently describe as alien life forms. Their received telepathic illuminations, which they describe as being both inspiring and a form of guidance towards a higher purpose, point to the New Age Fifth Dimension, a new dreaming frontier.
Discussed are several individuals’ dreams which have in common: purpose, instruction, healing, and an ascension of consciousness. The form is dreaming, the content evolution.
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Beverly D’Urso
A lucid dreamer all her life, Beverly D’Urso did research with Dr. Stephen LaBerge at Stanford University while completing her MS degree and her PhD. She has presented for four decades, published over seventy papers, serves as a member of the Diamond Approach spiritual school and seminary, and maintains the websites: http://durso.org/beverly/ and http://wedreamnow.info/
The Other as an Aspect of our Truer Self
We can view birth and life as a process similar to sleep and dreaming. In both cases, our truer self appears to separate into distinct characters, creating the concept of the other. Who these others represent depends upon our definition of self. When I view my self as Beverly, namely my body and personality, I might feel that the characters in my sleep state dreams represent aspects of Beverly. But if I view my self as more than Beverly, then these characters could represent aspects of people in my waking life or beyond. While asleep or awake, we learn about our truer self by noticing how all these so called separate characters interact. When we identify with one character in particular, we may have experiences such as fear, judgement, or grief. When we can accept these experiences, we identify with all the characters and treat them with compassion and love.
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Joy Fatooh
Joy Fatooh is a member of the IASD Board of Directors; has presented on psi, group and lucid dreaming at regional and international IASD conferences and several PDCs; and is creator and facilitator of the PDC Group Psi Game.
The Voice
Many dreamers report a distinctive “Voice” that offers an occasional succinct statement, usually just before they wake, speaking with apparent wisdom, authority, insight, and often wry humor and poetic wordplay. “The Voice” as we define it here is always an unseen entity; usually it offers little clue to gender or identity, and delivers its message without much emotional inflection. Sometimes it provides a voice-over commentary; more often, a stand-alone aphorism or short poem. Sometimes it presents a truism, but phrased in a novel way that becomes our own verbal talisman. Once in a while it gives timely personal advice.
This paper presents a few such sayings from several dreamers, and their reflections and speculations on who or what The Voice may represent. Join us, and add to this collection of wisdom from the trailing edge of dream. What have you heard from The Voice? Who, in your mind, was speaking?
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Christoph Gassman
Christoph Gassmann is a psychologist in Switzerland. Originally trained in psychoanalysis and psychodrama, today he follows an eclectic approach, with an emphasis on depth psychology and the Seth material. He adheres to empirical methods and to a philosophical approach to a psychology which is based on the primacy of spirit rather than matter.
The Opening Focus – The Widening Spectrum
This paper is based on a dream journal. I aim to show that the relaxing consciousness opens its focus at night to allow greater variability of experience. The highly focused state of waking consciousness is dropped and the borders of rational, social and physical laws break in. Two dreams from my journal are compared to my waking existence to see how much they are interrelated and how dreams broaden the spectrum of experience. I wish to show how dreams reflect our physical experiences, our fantasies . . . and go beyond. They are not simply a poor and funny copy of the waking world. A reductionist approach is not helpful in understanding the great variability and creativity of dreams.
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Dale Graff
Dale E. Graff is an internationally recognized lecturer, writer and researcher in psi topics. He is a former director of project Stargate, the government program for research and applications of remote viewing. His books, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness and River Dreams discuss remote viewing, psi dreaming/precognition and synchronicities.
The Power of Psi Dreaming
Sometimes the unexpected, the unwanted, happens to someone nearby or to those close to us. An individual may be lost in a wilderness area; an elderly person wanders away from a rehab center. Maybe a child was abducted, or an adult is mysteriously missing. Those of us in the dreamwork community have a unique potential, through psi dreaming, of providing assistance at such critical times. Precognitive dreams can inform us of potential future situations that could be avoided, and help us or others be better prepared when the incidents occur.
This presentation cites instances where psi dreams provided either direct or indirect assistance in critical situations, one involving the search for a hostage. Other dreams alerted the dreamer to potential dangers or prompted action when none was anticipated. The presentation concludes with recommendations for enhancing psi dream potential for urgent situations.
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Curt Hoffman
Curt Hoffman teaches anthropology and archaeology at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts, including a course on Culture and Consciousness. He has been involved with IASD since 1997, presents frequently at its annual conferences and at the PDC, and is the co-host of the PDC’s Outer Inn.
Dream Alter Ego – Who Am I When I’m Not Me in My Dreams?
In most dreams, we are conscious of ourselves in our present identity. But in some dreams we appear as entirely “other”, in places and times that we’ve never consciously visited, in altered gender or social standing. I will use my 22-year dream journal to illustrate instances of these dreams, and I will present some ideas of what might be going on in them. Are these memories of previous incarnations? Astral projections into other people’s consciousness? Alternative universes? Time travel? What function do these dreams have? Under what conditions are they more likely to occur? We will explore these and other possibilities raised by these intriguing and thought-provoking dreams.
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Clare Johnson
Clare Johnson was the first doctoral researcher to explore lucid dreaming and creativity. Her experience of sleepwalking and sleep paralysis inspired her to research parasomnias for her novel Dreamrunner (Clare Jay). World-renowned sleep disorder expert Carlos Schenck MD describes Dreamrunner as ‘the ultimate parasomnia novel; a heart-warming story.’ Clare is writing a nonfiction book on lucid dreaming. www.clarejay.com Twitter @LucidClare
Who is ‘The Other’ in Sleep and Dream Disorders?
Who is the ‘other’ as it arises in sleep and dream disorders? There’s still so much to learn about REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder (RBD), sleep-eating, sleep sex and other parasomnias.
Who do we become in these dreams? Who is this ‘other self’ that leaps out of bed and beats up a wardrobe, or drives a car to the store and only realises she’s been asleep and dreaming the whole time when other motorists shout at her for blocking the highway? A rude awakening!
This presentation examines a spectrum of sleep disorders and explores the exciting discovery in sleep research that the brain can be both asleep and awake simultaneously. Could lucid dreaming help sufferers of recurring RBD nightmares? How does it feel to be ‘taken over’ by the dreaming other? What can sleep and dream disorders teach us about the nature of consciousness, the self and the other? Tune in to find out more and join in the discussion.
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Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos
Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, international best-selling author of Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing, chronicles her three breast cancer journeys diagnosed by dreams. She taught Special Education & Psychology at University of South Florida, and was a phone counsellor at the R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation. She is a Dream and Cancer Q&A columnist, DreamsCloud blogger, IASD presenter, and speaker. www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com
Tallulah Lyons
Tallulah Lyons is a co-creator of the IASD project to bring dream appreciation and guided imagery into cancer and other healthcare settings, and is on the staff of cancer wellness centers in two Atlanta hospitals. Author of Dream Prayers, and Dreams and Guided Imagery: Gifts for Transforming Illness and Crisis. www.healingpowerofdreams.com
Extraordinary Dreams that Guide, Heal and Transform Your Life
Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos and Tallulah Lyons will present their work together on how guided dreams and imagery can be used to transform and heal lives and crisis. Kathleen will present materials on her personal experiences of precognitive dreams that saved her life three times and were validated by medical reports. Her breast cancer took on the dreamscape storyline of Alice in Wonderland and offers a rare glimpse into the dream-life of a participant in the Dream and Cancer Study Program by Dr. Larry Burk. Tallulah’s perspectives come from her dream and imagery work with cancer patients and from her own experience with bladder cancer two years ago. She will discuss the importance of nightmares that often precede diagnosis and how they bring coping skills for a present crisis, and will describe several practices for embodying the energies of healing imagery. We hope to generate compelling ideas for future research.
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Ed Kellogg
Ed Kellogg earned his Ph.D. from Duke University. He has published papers on his work in fields as diverse as the biochemistry of aging, bioelectricity, general semantics, voluntary controls, lucid dreaming, and the phenomenology of consciousness. From 2002 – 2005 he created, organized, and hosted IASD’s online PsiberDreaming Conference.
Mary Ziemer serves as the Director of the charity HELP Counselling Centre, and as Deputy Director of the Dream Research Institute at the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (CCPE), London. She has an MA in Psychology and diplomas in Transpersonal Psychotherapy and Yoga.
Mary Ziemer
Lucid Dream Alchemy: Making the Philosopher’s Stone
In Jungian psychology individuation refers to a type of psychic growth, through which the fragmented self becomes whole through a process of integration. The Alchemical Marriage of the King and the Queen in medieval alchemy apparently describes a similar process in the creation of the Hermaphrodite or Rebis, a transformation that played an essential part in making the Philosopher’s Stone, which could reputedly change lead into gold and disease into health. Alchemical emblems and texts depicted this “Great Work” metaphorically, through a multitude of symbolic illustrations. The directive Dormiens Vigila (“While sleeping, remain awake”), appears in the center of one famous emblem, an indication that lucid dreaming, or something like it, may well have played an important role in alchemical work. In this workshop, participants will work with emblems corresponding to the four alchemical processes of Nigredo (the blackening), Albedo (the whitening), Citrinitas (the yellowing), and Rubedo (the reddening).
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Terri Martin
Terri Martin has studied dreams since 1988. She is currently writing a children’s book which will be available this fall through Amazon Kindle, and her goal is to create ways to facilitate interaction between parents and children so that children can grow up experiencing dreams and other inner world experiences as a way of life.
Who is that Person in the Corner of My Dream?
In any situation your attention goes to what is most attractive or interesting. By training oneself to look for the not-so-obvious elements in dreams, questions can be developed that open the mind to realms of thinking outside of the normal, egocentric world. Noticing ‘the person in the corner’ brings attention to people and things present in a dream and may be a cornerstone from which everything else moves.
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Linda Mastrangelo
Linda Mastrangelo is an educator, artist and therapist with a private practice internship specializing in dreams and grief. She teaches Psychology and has written about dreams for numerous publications. Linda also serves on the Board of Directors at IASD and is the Editor of its publication, Dream News. You can visit her website at www.lindamastrangelo.com.
Meeting the Psychopomp: An Oneironaut’s Journey into the Underworld
From the Greek psuchopompos meaning the “guide of souls”, a psychopomp (creature, spirit, deity or even human) is one who can travel between worlds. In this paper, I will be exploring dreams where I am assisting medicine elders with psychopompic rituals such as healing and ushering the dead, or helping families grieve their recently departed. I will also be exploring the parallels of these nightly journeys with those of my own ancient ancestral practices. It isn’t surprising that I chose to engage in grief work in waking life, helping families who are experiencing their own initiations through grieving their departed loved ones. Overall, these dreams feel very real and potent – as if I am engaging in a second career at night! My hope is to invite other dreamers to share and dialogue about psychopompic dreaming “with the other.”
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Dolores Nurss
Dolores J. Nurss is the Random Factor of IASD, Hostess of the Outer Inn, and a past presenter on several topics derived from personal experience and exploration. She is also the author of Tales of the Tili`an, an online science-fiction series based on dreams.
Novatierre: My Dreams of People in Another World
For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of an entire other world, a parallel-Earth to which the people of this world would flee in the future, and of knowing (and being) people in that world. I have dreamed and experienced their early childhoods and their deaths, and large portions of what lies between, in no particular order. But I have also dreamed of being and witnessing many others in that world, sometimes as one-offs, often with great impact. This has fundamentally shaped my entire life. I will try to put into words something of what this means to me.
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Maria Isabel Pita
Maria Isabel Pita was born in Havana, Cuba but grew up in Virginia. She has traveled extensively and authored a variety of critically acclaimed novels. She lives in the Blue Ridge mountains with her husband and their beloved dog Arthur. She is a regular contributor to the Lucid Dreaming Experience. lucidlivingluciddreaming.org
Beyond Time & Space: The Transcendent Nature of Dream Sharing
Sean, FlowofmySoul and I have never physically met but since January 2014 we have been meeting in dreams. We entered this relationship with our own ideas about dream sharing and what it implies about the nature of consciousness and reality. So far our experiences have generated some solid core theories we all agree with. We live in radically different time zones and yet my being awake while one or more of my dream partners is asleep does not, as a general rule, adversely impact synchronistic elements between our dreams. In this presentation, I provide abridged versions of our most successful dream space encounters to date, followed by the theories they reinforced, and by how the questions they raised continue inspiring us to imaginatively hone our waking intent and dreaming perceptions. Our weekly efforts continue generating fascinating results. For those interested, a link to the full dream share experiences is provided.
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Sherry Puricelli
Sherry Puricelli is a psi dreamer who has experienced significant dreams with her friends that revealed personalized warnings and even some deaths. A dream coach and retreat facilitator who teaches personal empowerment, intuition, dreamwork, and ceremony, Sherry encourages you to accept and embrace your intuition.
I Dreamt Something Awful About You: Should I Say Something?
Dreamers come face to face with this dilemma because some of us have experienced warning dreams that turned out to be true. When this occurs, we may experience “dreamer’s guilt.” What should we do when we have disturbing dreams depicting health problems, natural disasters, or even death? Should we say something? Who should we tell? When are we saying enough and when are we saying too much? What if it’s not psi and we could be scaring someone? How do we make peace with ourselves regardless of which decision we’ve made?
This presentation will provide examples of “warning” dreams from several different dreamers, along with individual philosophies or beliefs related to psi and precognition, as well as personal reflections regarding what we “should” do when we have them.
You will be invited to share your own stories, insights, and reflections.
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Alex Randall
Alex Randall is Chairman and Professor of Communication at the University of the Virgin Islands. Randall has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Princeton and a Doctorate from Columbia. He studied with Dr. Margaret Mead and wrote his dissertation on a field study of Dream Telepathy. www.alexrandall5.com, www.dream-wizard.com, www.dr-dream.com
Precognition and Ana-Logic
All areas of the paranormal seem to operate outside the bounds of the normal laws of physics. They are subject to disbelief because we can’t understand how the mind could perform feats that confound the normal laws or reality. Precognitive dreaming flies in the face of normal science. How could the mind possibly know of an event in a future time if that event has not yet occurred, and if there are an infinity of decisions between now and the future – any one of which could throw the precognition into error.
Perhaps we are asking the question the wrong way. Perhaps precognition operates in a domain of ana-logic that is comprehensible only from the phenomenological world. It is not subject to external evaluation. Perhaps precognition operates through a vehicle that cannot be examined with the current repertory of scientific tools. Or are we fooling ourselves?
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Mark Richardson
Mark Richardson was a policeman in his twenties, a college English teacher in his thirties, private business owner in his forties and a writer in his fifties. He lives in Windyville, Missouri.
How Are Our Dreams Formed Out of Words?
This paper seeks to illustrate how our dreams are first formed of our own spoken “waking words”. We have commonly described our dreams in images. We paint such images. We tend even to celebrate the world of “the other” in graphic grandeur. But this paper aims to show that both worlds, waking and sleeping, are made in language first, not in images. And it is precisely the breakdown between the source word and the end image which gives rise to the phenomenon of “dreaming with the other.”
The dream-image doesn’t just need the waking word to be interpreted; the dream-image would not exist without the waking word.
“The other” in our dreams is our own waking word, spoken casually, written unconsciously, or murmured under our own distracted breaths – most usually from the day, or, as in my case, even from the years before the dream.
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Massimo Schinco
Massimo Schinco is a Psychotherapist and Co-Director of the School of Psychotherapy and Clinical Centre at CMTF, Italy. As an author he focuses on creative change. He currently serves as a member of the IASD Board of Directors, and has presented at IASD Conferences both online (in 2008, 2010, 2012), and at the IASD International Conferences (in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).
‘A Part of Me Remained There With Her…’ – Being a Loving Community In and Out of a Dream
When the investigation of several forms of presence in dreams of others as “real” persons is devoid of ideological prejudices, the reality of these presences appears to be plausible, meaningful and worthy of study on the basis of serious theoretical foundations in addition to anecdotal reports.
In this presentation the theoretical foundations are provided from the works on the relationships between mystique and community by Gerda Walther (1897–1977) and Edith Stein (1891–1942) on the philosophical side, and by Efstratios Manousakis’s (2006) hypothesis of consciousness on the scientific side.
An example illustrating a possible relationship between dreams, ordinary and extraordinary states of consciousness and strong emotional connections will be drawn from a religious experience – the healing ministry of the late Jesuit father Pierino Ghi s.j. (1920–2011).
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Robert Waggoner
Robert Waggoner is the author of the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, co-editor of the online magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience, and a past President of IASD. A lucid dreamer since 1975, he pioneers a broader appreciation of lucid dreaming’s potential to explore reality.
In Dreams and Lucid Dreams, Do We Peek Into Other Incarnations?
Occasionally in dreams, you find yourself in other places and other times, which seem to correspond with historic periods and sensed locales. Looking through the eyes of one dream figure, you may simultaneously realize that you have a connection with that figure, yet a separate existence in another time and place.
In lucid dreams, however, you can proactively explore the possibility of connecting with other incarnations. Using certain techniques, you can engage other incarnations and sometimes dramatically experience their worldview.
But does it all exist as just a mind game? Or do instances exist, where you can verify some detail of these dream adventures and confirm it?
In this presentation, you can consider possible incarnation experiences, both lucid and non-lucid, and tell us of your own accounts.
Nature, nurture or gnosis? Join us in exploring dreaming and your larger self.
Leaping Into the Mystery: The Psi-ence of Dreams
Dreams, and psi, and psi dreams, are inherently mysterious: largely unobservable except within the experiencing mind. Only the boldest of scientists dare explore these hidden realms; but each of us boldly leaps into the mystery every time we close our eyes to sleep. How does science describe and quantify these phenomena? What do we learn from those investigations? What can we as individuals learn as we probe the boundaries of our own consciousness? What experiments will you bring aboard your oneironautical spacecraft tonight?
Join IASD in Leaping Into the Mystery: The Psi-ence of Dreams in the 2015 PsiberDreaming Conference: two-weeks of online papers, workshops, presentations and discussion from Sunday, September 27 to Sunday, October 11, 2015.
Join Host Jean Campbell and the PsiberDreaming Team for two weeks of cutting-edge presentations, workshops, and discussion with some top experts in the field of dreams.
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Kirsten Backstrom (USA)
Dreaming and Daring: Meeting the Unknown Every Night
Dreams open our minds: redefining who we are, disrupting our habitual patterns, stimulating our empathy and creativity, and requiring us to relinquish our certainties. Thus, dreams generate the flexibility we need to face the unknown at critical turning points in our lives. The more we dream, the more we dare!
Kirsten Backstrom is a certified dreamwork facilitator, and director of Compass Dreamwork—offering individual and group dreamwork, and educational programs. She has been exploring dreamwork as a spiritual practice for over thirty years, and has a background in hospice, eldercare and bereavement care as a pastoral counselor, chaplain and volunteer.
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Laurel Clark, DD (USA)
Every Dreamer Is a Scientist
People who believe in the power of dreams may hear skeptics ask, “How do you know that was a real visitation from your deceased loved one? How do you know that’s what your dream means?”
All dreamers are scientists who can explore their own dream-worlds by recording, observing, and experimenting to discover truth within themselves.
Laurel Clark, current Vice President of IASD, is a teacher with the School of Metaphysics, a counselor, interfaith minister, and public speaker. She has been keeping a dream journal since 1978 and uses dreams for self-discovery and spiritual development. Author of the book Intuitive Dreaming, Laurel loves to help people understand their dreams for health and well-being.
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Teresa DeCicco, PhD (Canada)
Dreaming Beyond the Five Senses
While dreams act as a bridge to waking life matters such as problem solving and emotional regulation, they are so much more than that. With understanding and examination, dreamers can be led to assistance with relationships, health matters, life purpose, and so much more; true guidance beyond the five senses.
Teresa L. DeCicco, PhD is a professor, author, and researcher in the fields of Dreams and Dreaming, and Spiritual Psychology. She is the author of many scientific papers on dreams and several books. Her most recent book is entitled Living Beyond The Five Senses.
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Beverly D’Urso, PhD (USA)
Leaping Out of Dreams
What if a dream character gets stuck in a dream? Why does a person become frustrated? How does a spiritual seeker reach enlightenment? None of them realize they are dreaming, so what can they do? Becoming aware of internal struggles and allowing all experiences can help, but who really wakes up?
Beverly D’Urso, PhD: A lucid dreamer all her life, Beverly did research at Stanford University while completing her PhD. She has presented for four decades, published over seventy-five papers, belongs to the Diamond Approach spiritual school and seminary, and maintains the websites: http://wedreamnow.info/ http://durso.org/beverly/ and http://lucidbeverly.com/
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Loren Goodman (South Korea)
Building the City of New Friends: The Verbal Architecture of Oneironautical Correspondence
This study flows from the premise that dream encounters can be fruitfully extended into the waking world. Through close reading of dreams and correspondence with dream informants, the experimenter approaches the dream and waking worlds as a unified psi-entific field and richly abundant continuum of social, therapeutic and artistic activity.
Lauren Goodman’s Famous Americans was selected by W.S. Merwin for the 2002 Yale Series of Younger Poets. He serves as Associate Professor of Creative Writing and English Literature at Yonsei University/Underwood International College, UIC Creative Writing Director, and Pacific Correspondent for the Best American Poetry Web Blog.
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Dale Graff, BS, MS (USA)
The Rock Lizards: Visitors From the Primeval Shadows
This presentation explores an experimental project involving the Maimonides slide targets used in the 1960s-70s that revealed connections with the reptilian aspect of our primitive brain. It will include other, similar, psi dream incidents, including the primitive archetype of attack that preceded the 9/11 terrorist strike.
Dale E. Graff, BS, MS is an internationally recognized lecturer, writer and researcher in psi topics. He is a former director of project Stargate, the government program for research and applications of remote viewing. His books, Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness and RIVER DREAMS discuss remote viewing, psi dreaming/precognition and synchronicities. www.dalegraff.com
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Tony Hawkins (England, UK)
The Law of the Fox
We humans live in time. Time is measured through our senses; indeed, the biochemical processes of our senses might dictate our experience of time. Before we can successfully speculate about dreams, we should really know about the contents of NO TIME.
Tony Hawkins My earliest memories are of dreams suggestive of pre- or other-types-of existence. Dreams informed my adult writing of epic novels and have now taken over from the writing of fiction as my main interest. I am trying to capture this ever-developing human story in a book.
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Robert Hoss, MS (USA)
Is There a Science Behind Life Changing Dreams?
Is there a natural, purposeful process taking place within the dream which can truly transform our lives as, Carl Jung observed? This paper will discuss the science behind the transformation process, and the psychological and neurological evidence which suggests that dreams play an life changing role whether recalled or not.
Robert Hoss, MS, is a director and past president of IASD. He directs the DreamScience Foundation for research grants, and is on the faculty of the Haden Institute. He is author of Dream Language and Dream to Freedom and is published in 12 other books and four professional journals. ( www.dreamscience.org )
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Ryan Hurd, MA (USA)
Stones, Caves and Dreams: Digging into the New Transpersonal Archaeology
What can dream studies offer to our understanding of the prehistoric past? This paper explores transpersonal archaeology, a growing field in which dreaming and altered states are central to interpreting ancient sites as well as transforming our own relationship to material culture and the present day environment.
Ryan Hurd is the founder of the blog DreamStudies.org, and writes books and essays about culture, consciousness and dreams. He has an MA in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University, and a BA in Anthropology from the University of Georgia in Athens.
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Kelly Lydick, MA (USA)
Color in Dreams: The Energy Centers and their Palette of Greater Meaning
“Color in Dreams” looks at each of the seven colors on the spectrum, along with black and white, and contextualizes these colors as they relate to the chakras in order to provide deeper meaning of dreams as well as greater insight into emotional, psychological, and intellectual content expressed specifically through color.
Kelly Lydick holds an M.A. in Writing and Consciousness, and certifications as a Meditation Facilitator, Past Life Healer, and Gateway Dreaming™ Coach. She teaches writing and metaphysical workshops, and offers private consultations through her company Waking the Dream. She is also the author of the experimental work, Mastering the Dream.
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Janet McCall, MA (USA)
How One Dreamer’s Long-Term Journal Keeping Yielded PSI Discoveries
In this presentation, McCall will describe how maintaining a long-term dream journal enabled her to discover precognitive dreams that were not obvious at the time they occurred and connect them to waking life events that took place months or even years later.
Janet McCall holds an MA in Art History and runs a nonprofit arts center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
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Chris McCleary (USA)
Project August: A Psi Revolution
Project August was a revolutionary initiative in 2014 that used collective dream incubations to predict future headlines for a specific time period (i.e., August 2014). 119 headlines were created and published before 101 of them came true with high accuracy. This revolutionary test opens the door to unlimited possibilities.
Chris McCleary is the director of the National Dream Center, which collects and analyzes dreams primarily for their predictive characteristics. The Center utilizes the DreamBot™ and daily dream linguistics™ to help ascertain future events. Participants of the NDC remain at the leading edge of reality…it is free to join.
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Linda Mastrangelo,MA, LMFT (USA)
Riding the 7th Wave: Dreams as Key to Evolution
I was eighteen when I had a series of seven dreams that all took place in the same ancient and mystical place. In each dream, I am confronted by a tidal wave of epic proportions but what I noticed was that I was clearly progressing not only through the location itself but evolving by the actions I took in the dreams.
I see the wave series as a precognitive map of my life, particularly the enigmatic 7th and final dream. Though mysterious, the dream speaks loudly to my relationship to dreaming and my waking state which I believe stems from vibration. That states of consciousness all have to do with what frequency we are operating from whether it be, alpha (relaxed state) or delta which Tibetans Buddhists call deep, dreamless sleep, beta waves which is what we experience in ‘waking life’ and theta which is related to hypnogogic, lucid or deep trance.
In this presentation, I will be exploring the concept of dreams “as key to evolution” through my own personal dream experiences, case studies and research on the hypnogogic state and its connection to sonic entrainment, spontaneous evolution and epigenetics.
Linda Mastrangelo, MA, LMFT is an educator, artist and therapist with a private practice in the San Francisco Bay area. She has presented her art and research on dreams internationally and for numerous publications. Linda also serves on the Board of Directors at IASD and is the Editor of its publication, Dream News. You can visit her website at (www.lindamastrangelo.com).
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Tine Metz (Germany)
Drawing From Dreams (Workshop)
What if a drawing, made for that purpose, had an impact on dreams, and in which way? Having observed random elements of current works showing up in dreams before, Tine Metz explores the link between visual art and dreams, reporting side effects such as improved dream recall, and encouraging participants to try out a simple method.
Tine Metz is a freelance artist and qualified graphic designer, living and working in Germany. She has provided art and dream collages for several PsiberDreaming conferences.
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Sandy Olliges, MA (USA)
Shamanic and Dream States of Consciousness: Neurochemistry and Neurophysiology
Alternative states of consciousness (ASCs) include dreaming and shamanic states of consciousness (SSCs). The neuropsychology of rapid-eye-movement (REM) dreams, non-REM dreams, lucid dreams, and SSCs is described in the context of the neurocognitive model and the chaos model. Paranormal ASCs are discussed with generalized quantum theory.
Sandy Olliges, holds an MA in Human Science, with a Dream Studies certificate, from Saybrook University.Sandy studied with Victoria Marina, Flight of the Hawk, Half Moon Bay: with four years of cross-cultural shamanism, and two years of advanced shamanic practices. She teaches Yoga and Aikido at San Jose State University and leads two monthly Dreamwork groups.
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Cynthia (Cynnie) Pearson (USA)
Quantum Concepts and Psi
Reviewing a long term dream journal from 2000 to the present yields many examples of psi dreaming which the author compares to the speculations of Montague Ullman in his paper, “On the Relevance of Quantum Concepts to Dreaming Consciousness.”
Cynthia Pearson has chaired many “Long Term Journal Keeping” panels at annual IASD conferences (“because the personal journal is a uniquely sensitive instrument that may enlighten the whole field of dream study”). Longtime host of the PsiebrDreaming Precognitive Dream Contests, she is author of several books and presides over dreamjournalist.com
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Ralf Penderak (Germany)
Leaping Into the Mystery: Getting Started
This presentation is meant to serve as a seed for a following fruitful sharing and discussion of how everybody “leaped into the mystery” of psi dreaming, or how to prepare for that leap. It will touch how the author “leaped”, and add resources for further study of the topic.
Ralf Penderak works as a nurse in a university hospital in northern Germany. He has worked with his own dreams for over 30 years, starting with Jungian approaches and then discovering lucid and psi dreams. Participant, volunteer and/ or presenter in nearly all IASD Psiberdreaming conferences, he is an active member of Jean Campbell’s World Dreams Peace Bridge and Maria Cernuto’s Psidreamers Group. His focus is on lucid and mutual dreaming, psi dreaming generally, and its relation to waking physical reality.
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Sherry Puricelli, MHA, MDiv (USA)
Journaling for Psi: What I Learned in Science Class
When Sherry Puricelli’s passion for writing was united with dreamwork, synchronicity, groups, and psi, it all came to life. Finally, a formula that worked for her! This panel presentation will describe Sherry’s fun, simple, science-class approach for enhancing, examining, and learning from psi, while highlighting journaling as a universal tool.
Sherry Puricelli, MHA, M.Div. is a Dream Coach and owner of AwakeNDream, LLC. in Madison, Connecticut, where she regularly facilitates psi practices along with Transformation Dreaming™, her technique and empowerment program which combines coaching with dreamwork tools, embodiment, and ceremony. Sherry is the IASD Regional Representative for Connecticut.
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Carlyle Smith, PhD (Canada)
Exploring a Dream Series From a Medical Intuitive, Donna Marie Newfield
One of the techniques that can help to reveal properties of the precognitive dream is to examine dream series from a single dreamer. We have examined the dream series of the medical intuitive, Donna-Marie Newfield. These are verified precognitive diagnostic dreams of the medical disorders of DM’s patients. The dreams clearly predict the future bodily condition of the patients, including detailed anatomical dysfunction. They also include suggested medical interventions that would be helpful. We would like to present the dreams along with the protocols used and types of verifications employed. Special and unique properties of these dreams will be examined. Possible theoretical approaches will be considered.
Carlyle Smith, PhD, C. Psych, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Trent University and Director of Trent University Sleep Research Laboratories. He is an internationally respected expert on the topics of sleep, memory and dreams. His latest book is “Heads-Up” Dreaming (2014).
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Gloria Sturzenacker, MSJ (USA)
Geometric Patterns of Long-Term Journal Keeping
For years, Gloria exercised discipline in recording both dreams and waking events to trace the “extended coherence” between the two. Her interest has been in how psi and other connections arise spontaneously. She’ll talk about some of the recurring, almost geometrical patterns that she’s observed in these connections.
Gloria Sturzenacker, MSJ, is an editor, writer, and information designer. She developed a visual journaling system called Inner Guide Mapping for tracking the extended coherence between dreams and waking life. Gloria is IASD’s Regional Representative for the New York City Metro Area and for the Lehigh Valley region of Pennsylvania.
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Mary Trouba, PhD (USA)
Digging Up the Unexpected: How a Flash Forward Exercise Prepared the Dreamer for a Grandmother’s Passing
This paper traces the unexpected results obtained while using the Flash Forward protocol offered by Virginia Bennett during last year’s PDC. It traces the value of tracking dreams and synchronicities on a daily basis and how this attention to the inner realm opened into a process foreshadowing a grandmother’s passing.
Mary B. Trouba, PhD is a management consultant who obtained her doctorate in East-West Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her interests include: dreams and dream work; the connections between sound, music, and consciousness; and the application of Jungian and archetypal perspectives to film and television.
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Robert Waggoner (USA)
Identifying Precognitive Dreams: Lessons My Dream Journal Taught Me
In this presentation, Waggoner will attempt to delineate the special characteristics of likely precognitive dreams, based upon his practical study of his dream journals. Moreover, he will encourage the audience to keep records of their success at precognition, so as to gain a sense of the probability of their accuracy at predicting future events. Finally, he will discuss the idea of developing your ‘dream baseline’ in order to identify possible foreshadowing dreams .
Robert Waggoner is author of the acclaimed book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self (in its ninth printing) and co-author of the recently released book, Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple. A past president of IASD, Waggoner co-edits the magazine, Lucid Dreaming Experience (ISSN 2167-616X), conducts online workshops with GlideWing.com and speaks internationally at universities and workshops on lucid dreaming.