Weather in Tucson

Lowes Ventana Hotel is at 3012 ft. which in Arizona means it’s a bit cooler than Phoenix and surrounding Arizona valley areas which are about 1900 ft lower. Tucson in July is on average in the mid-90s to 101 F at mid-day and the mid to high 70s at night maybe reaching the 80s by 10 or 11 am making a breakfast time or early day trek possible.  It is also very dry (often below 30%) which helps with the comfort level particularly if you stay out of the direct sun. With global warming there can be daily extremes here just as around the rest of the nation, but the low humidity makes even the extremes a bit more tolerable if you stay out of the sun.  The sky is usually very clear so you should avoid too much sun, either hiking or as well as at the pool where you should use plenty of sunscreen and take a dry towel since you may oddly find yourself feeling a bit chilly as you exit the water.  Depending on temperatures on a specific day, patio misters may also make outdoor breakfasts and even lunches reasonably comfortable.