Deadlines for presentations and poster sessions are now over.
Please see our Schedule at a Glance for program line up.
For information purposes only – the deadlines are now over.
Due date for most submissions: 20 December 2023
Due date for poster submissions: 1 March 2024
Submissions Solicited: The program is multi-disciplinary, therefore high-quality proposals are invited that fall into any of the following Theme Tracks: Clinical Approaches; Culture and History; Dreams and the Arts; Dreams and Ethnicity; Dreams and Health; Dreamwork Practices; Education (teaching dream studies); Extraordinary, Psi, and Lucid Dreams; Religion, Spirituality, and Philosophy; Research; Theory.
Submission Categories Include: Individual talks to be combined within Symposia; Special Events; Workshops; Morning Dream Groups; Pre-organized Symposia; Panels; and Research Poster Presentations.
Online Submission Only: All submissions must be made online using the forms available.
IASD encourages presenters of all backgrounds to apply and to be sensitive to matters of diversity and disability in their submissions and presentations. IASD does not discriminate in accepting proposals with respect to race, culture, gender, age, sexual orientation, or various forms of disability. Qualifying presenters and conference attendees may apply for a BIPOC conference scholarship by writing and requesting an application from For more information, see the IASD Dreams & Ethnicity Portal.
Proceed as Follows:
For each submission, whether a single presentation, a pre-organized multi-presenter symposium/panel, poster or special event, there is to be only one Lead Presenter; the submission will be filed under that name. The Lead Presenter must be involved in the presentation as a chair, moderator or presenter and is responsible for organizing the information from other participants into the submission and communicating with all presenters on the submission. If you are submitting on behalf of a Lead Presenter, and are not actively involved in presenting, then you are called the Assister on the form. If you are the Assister please provide both your email addresses and phone number as well as that of the Lead Presenter so that we can communicate with you both.
STEP #1 – Preparing Your Submission Content
- Review Notices and Guidelines below
- Download SAMPLE FORM to provide a visual example of the online form in its entirety. You will be only filling certain sections based on your presentation type. This is NOT an ACTIVE form.
STEP #2 – Return to this page and Click on the Button below to complete the Online Presentation Submission Form:
Carefully review your completed form before clicking the SUBMIT button. Once you have submitted, you will NOT be able to retrieve the form for editing. If you later want to make a change, you will have to resubmit the proposal in its entirety unless changes are minor enough to be added manually (contact to request a minor change).
STEP #3 – Register
All presenters must register for the conference and pay the appropriate fees. Once you submit your presentation, please go to the conference registration page. Registration opens in mid-September.
Note the presenter discount, and that all presenters must register by 15 March 2024 to remain on the program, after which time we must finalize the schedule, and we will remove or replace unregistered presenters. All registrations for approved presenters are non-refundable after 15 March 2024 (refunds prior to that date but subject to administrative fees). Register early for your lodging to ensure room availability at the conference site. If you register before receiving your acceptance, and your submission is subsequently NOT accepted, you will be given a full refund if you notify us within 1 week of that notification that you no longer wish to attend.
ONSITE ONLY – This year there will not be a capability for presenting or attending virtually. Audio recordings will be available for sale afterwards, however.
LINGUISTIC RESTRICTIONS – All presentations are to be delivered in International English.
ETHICS AND PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY. All presenters are asked to have read and agree to adhere to the IASD ethics statement as well as to honor the IASD Principles of Community; both of which can be accessed here .
CEs – There is no need to request CE qualification, your presentations will be evaluated for CE qualification and selection. The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. IASD maintains responsibility for this program and its content. APA Continuing Education in psychology is focused on post-licensure training for licensed psychologists and mental health professionals. Content must be empirically established and supported, with direct relevance to the acquisition of new skills that build upon a completed doctoral program for psychologists and/or the continuing postgraduate and professional education of licensed mental health or health care professionals. It must be aimed at skills that keep pace with emerging issues, evolving innovations, ethics and technologies in order to increase competencies for improving services to the public and enhancing the knowledge of professional practitioners. For feedback and questions contact the Administrator of Continuing Education, Remington Mallett .
Note that your proposal must be submitted in its entirety using the online Submission Form and cannot be edited once submitted (it can only be re-submitted). The easiest way to accomplish this on your initial attempt is to collect and prepare your lengthier content (listed below) ahead of time so you are ready to insert it (or copy/paste) into the online form where there are word limits.
STYLE GUIDE – in preparing Summaries, Abstracts and Bios please follow these guidelines:
- Titles in title case: capitalize 1st letters of all words (except preposition, article, conjunction).
- DO NOT use all CAPs anywhere (not presenter names nor talk titles) except for acronyms.
- Write all in full sentences rather than phrases.
- Italicize titles of journals and books, do not underline or set within quotes.
MULTI-PRESENTER SUBMITTERS – It is important for you to collect ALL content, schedule limitation and AV requirement information from all your presenters before filling out the form.
BIOGRAPHIES – (70 words max primary presenter, 50 for co-presenters and multi-presenters) – include: Name, credentials/certifications (MA, PhD, etc.), country of residence and a brief biography that touches on formal training (required for workshops), related career positions, publications, books, and/or a significant award if applicable.
PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS: (600 words maximum) – include the following:
- Presenter(s) and co-authors names and credentials (this is where you can list co-authors even if they are not attending the conference):
- The title of presentation as listed above;
- Introduction including the basis for the content (named theory, research, established practice, etc.);
- Description of the content as it is to be presented. Note: (1) Multi presentation abstracts MUST include in this abstract information that represents all of the presentations in the session (perhaps have each presenter contribute 100 words or so); (2) Workshop and Morning Dream Group abstracts MUST contain: the specific techniques that will be utilized; activities that participants will engage in, and who is considered the “ultimate authority” on the personal meaning of the dream (see Ethics statement).
- At the end stated the target audience (Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced, for All).
- At the top note [not to publish] in brackets ONLY if you do not wish us to post the abstract.
BOOKSTORE. It is not permitted to sell your books or products in the session spaces – they must be sold through the bookstore. The bookstore will be managed by IASD staff and as such it is not possible to order books from publishers or distributors. If you wish to have us sell your books you can: a) bring copies for sale or b) bring a sample copy and have your book posted on a virtual kiosk for browsing. In the first case, you will have the option of also including your books on the virtual kiosk. Please list your books including the approximate number of books you will bring and whether you want your book to be included on the virtual kiosk or not. When you arrive you will fill out a sales form for tracking. Prepare your list of your books in this format: Author; Title; Publisher; Year; ISBN, number of books I will bring, include on virtual kiosk Y/N.