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New Moon Dreaming: From Darkness to a Growing Light
Dream workshop with Patricia Schmieg
Patricia Schmieg has a Masters in Human Development and Psychology from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She presented papers at IASD conferences at Bridgewater, Montreal, and Virginia Beach. She is a copy editor and disability advocate. Interests include: astrology, dreams, healing, Buddhism, and encouraging environmental and societal change.
September 28, 2019 2:26 pm EDT* New Moon 5 Libra 20
When the New Moon sits at the closest point to Earth, it becomes a Super New Moon. Though Sun and Moon align with Earth, they are at opposite sides of the Moon. When the Moon faces Earth’s dark side, we dream in moonless dark three days before and after this time. This workshop will follow our dreams from the dark of the Moon to its crescent to First Quarter Moon before we leave the Winds of Change.
Astrologer Dietrech Pessin suggests, “… what is seeded during the time of the New Moon is bound to take the reins into a new direction,” yet cautions, “… we are in the dark of the Moon, which says you need more information, you need more light.”**
As moondark changes to moonlight, watch how and what dreams arise, how they begin to illumine meaning, memories, or events, the way Psiber winds change our minds, or our minds change our dreams.
* Convert date and time here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter-classic.html
** April 27 to May 5, 2019; May 18-24, 2019