Psi2018 – Call for Artwork

Contests & Special Events

We invite you to contribute your latest exciting Dream Art creation for the 2018 PsiberDreaming Art Gallery, Sunday September 23 – Sunday October 7, 2018!
The theme this year is : The Dreamwide Web
In bringing forth creative expression inspired by dreams, we bridge connections between dream and waking worlds, and to the wisdom, inspiration, healing, innovation and creativity that dreams transmit to us.
Whatever form your art may take, sharing these dream-inspired creations online in our virtual gallery brings forth expressions for others to explore, deepening the connection between this world and dream worlds.
Participation Guidelines:
To participate, you will need to a send us a .jpg or .pdf image of your dream-based artwork and a text narrative of the dream itself.
Eligibility: Your original work in any medium inspired by and depicting dreams. Artistic mediums can include paintings, drawings, journal sketches, digital artwork, photography, doodles, cartoons, poetry, crafts, textiles, sculpture, poetry, music and animation. Only PsiberDreaming conference attendees’ gallery entries will be accepted, so that artists and other conference attendees have greater opportunity to connect and to discuss the gallery.
Anyone can enter! It’s not an art competition: all we’re looking for is the dream to share and enjoy. No matter whether you’re professionally accomplished, just starting out, or simply a dream enthusiast who just feels driven to express their favourite dream, we welcome all dream-inspired expressions as a form of dream-sharing through creativity!
Your entry must be accompanied by dream text to tell your dream. Due to time constraints, we limit art gallery submissions to one work per artist. Images and text will be displayed in an online Dream Journal format.
Please submit your entry according to these guidelines:
  • Dimensions of 8″ x 10″ (20.3 x 25.4 cm) are suggested
  • At least 150 dpi
  • Title of work
Submit your art
Deadline for submissions: Midnight EDT, Sunday, 16th September
Important: Registration for the IASD PsiberDreaming conference is required to submit your artwork for the gallery.
To register, visit the Psiberdreaming page – ONLINE REGISTRATION BEGINS AT THE END OF JULY, 2018.
All participants to the IASD PsiberDreaming conference will have access to view the online gallery from Sunday, September 23 – Thursday, November 1, 2018.
Looking for inspiration?

Consider how metaphor in your dreams might reveal the Dreamwide web, our true interconnectivity linked through dreams and psi, in ways that have you waking up knowing or feeling something different.

Further inspiration:
The Internet, as of 2018, is estimated to have over 4 billion users, with 3.2 billion using social media. Over the information superhighway, we connect with friends old and new, family across the globe, and distant cultures. And with a tool like The Wayback Machine, we can even reach across time to visit web pages from the past.
Yet compared to the concept of Akashic records, this worldwide web seems minuscule: imagine a multidimensional “compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future”! Even the potential of a collective unconscious -richly laden with timeless symbols, instincts, and archetypes – suggests a network of worlds stretching out into an interconnected universe and beyond, across time, selves, and ancestors.
Our dreams connect us to these vast realms and all they hold. In dreaming, we transcend time, space, and dimensions to connect with, explore, and discover what lies beyond and also within: we can also access our higher self, past and future selves, divine forces, and more. In doing so, we progressively come to understand how connected we all are.

Take a peek at last year’s online gallery. It can be found here:

Where might your dreams be revealing webs of interconnectivity – between friends, ancestors, guides, nature, space, and beyond? Do you find connections to archetypal figures, or distant lands, times and cultures? What elements or powerful symbols appear in your dreams and follow you into your day for recognition? How might elements of Psi dreaming be teaching us that everything is interconnected, or transmitting information that your waking self would not have otherwise known?
If your art is wired into transmissions from the Dreamwide Web, come and share it through the networks of the greater collective!
We look forward to your entry, and the intriguing possibilities as we consider The Dreamwide Web.
Please send any questions to the art gallery team:


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2020 Annual Conference Archive


Dear Dreamers, At this time, we have made the difficult but necessary decision to cancel the June 2020 IASD Annual conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Our top concern is the safety and well-being of our international IASD family, the local area and the communities we serve. We want to thank all of you for your patience and understanding while we worked to make this decision. We also want to thank the Doubletree Hotel in Scottsdale for supporting our organization through this process, continuing the strong partnership which followed our successful conference in 2018. If you have already registered for the conference you will be sent a note shortly on the process to follow for a refund.  As you may know, the Annual Conference is not only our means of maintaining community, but it is our major source of income which we have now lost this year. It is a tough financial time for everyone so please don’t feel obligated, but if you do have the means to donate the amount of your conference fee or any amount to help IASD click here. We greatly value and appreciate your contributions and your generosity. We will sorely miss the in-person energy of our Annual Conference this year, but we hope to see you next year in Ashland! Sincerely, The IASD Executive Committee IASD Office: