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Precognitive Dreaming Contest 2018
Hosted by Cynthia Pearson and Robert Waggoner
Cynthia Pearson, author of The Practical Psychic and Dreaming the Dead; and Robert Waggoner, author of Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self and Lucid Dreaming Plain and Simple.
Can you dream about the future? Do precognitive dreams occur?
To investigate your ability to dream about the future, the IASD Psiber Dreaming Conference invites you to join our Precognitive Dream Contest. In this event, participants try to dream about a target picture before it is randomly selected from a pool of over 100 images stored on a computer.
Since IASD’s first PsiberDreaming Conference in 2002, participants have been enlisting their precognitive skills to dream of a target that has not yet been selected. Below you can read about the Precognitive Dream Contest rules. Click here to view the results of past contests. You may also be interested in Robert Waggoner’s excellent paper, Identifying Precognitive Dreams Through Patterns: A Prospective Approach.
How the Precognitive Dream Contest Works
Participants follow the instructions below to try dreaming ahead of time of a target picture that will be randomly selected on Sunday, September 30, 2018. All entries must be submitted the day before, no later than midnight Eastern Daylight Time (9 PM PDT), on Saturday, September 29. The hosts will then review each entry and “Precognitive Dream Champs” will be announced on Tuesday, October 2.
Precognitive Dream Contest Instructions
1) Print these instructions and take them to bed with you on Friday, September 28.
2) Make sure you place a pen and paper or other recording device within easy reach of your bedside.
3) Read over this paragraph at bedtime:
I am requesting information from my dreams. Tonight I will have a dream of the target picture that will be posted on Sunday, September 30, 2018. I will waken with the dream fresh in my mind. I will remember the dream imagery easily and experience the contest target clearly. I will be able to understand the target picture in the same way that I will when I see it later on my screen.
4) Repeat these instructions to yourself as you fall asleep.
5) Record your dream memories as soon as you wake up, even if it’s the middle of the night. Be as descriptive as you can. If you record more than one dream, please give each a number.
6) Post your dreams before midnight, Eastern Daylight Time (9 PM PT) on Saturday, September 29. If you prefer not to post your dreams, e-mail your entry to Cynnie at netcadet@mycci.net by the deadline.
7) You may use your own name or a pseudonym, but do provide us with some means of identifying you.